5 Ways To Keep Your Nervous System Healthy

In addition to having a balanced diet and exercising, being able to enjoy a restful sleep is essential for our body to function properly.

Did you know that there are natural ways to keep your nervous system healthy ? This has a great impact on our quality of life, our routine and our relationships, since it allows us to always act with serenity, to face the usual difficulties without causing us great stress or emotional impact.

How to keep your nervous system healthy

Today we will discover how through diet and certain habits you can keep your nervous system healthy without major complications.

1. Balanced diet

The diet that helps us regulate the nervous system is one that has not been processed, that is, the more natural, the better.

The reason is that the more a food has been treated, the less vital energy it has and the less nutrients it provides.

In addition, due to certain processed foods, some bacteria that affect our nervous system can enter our body, as indicated in this study.

On the other hand, a simple apple freshly picked from the tree can provide us with everything we need to improve our mood.


Foods to keep your nervous system healthy:

  • Fruits and vegetables: half of them should be consumed raw or in juices and smoothies.
  • Vegetables.
  • Egg.
  • Whole grains: oats, millet, quinoa, rice, etc.
  • Vegetable drinks.
  • Nuts without frying or salting.
  • Dried fruits without sugar.
  • Sprouted seeds.
  • Algae.
  • Mushrooms

Meat and fish, as long as they are of quality, can be eaten according to the nutritional needs of each person. It is important to combine vegetable protein with animal protein, so as not to abuse the latter.

2. Supplements for the nervous system

There are some supplements that can help us in the seasons that we feel nervous, that we do not rest well or we are living difficult times. We can take them for one to three months and then rest, or take another. Remember to always check with your doctor beforehand.

  • Beer yeast.
  • Wheat germ.
  • Pollen.
  • Magnesium.
  • Spirulina

3. Restful sleep

Sleeping well is essential for the body to recover and wake up with energy and good spirits. To do this, we must avoid everything that hinders or prevents sleep and get used to these good habits:

  • Have dinner before 8 in the afternoon and always light food, easily digestible.
  • Do not take stimulants with dinner, such as cola, white sugar, coffee, or alcohol.
  • Avoid fruit at night, except pear, apple, papaya or pineapple.
  • Do some relaxing activity before going to bed, such as reading, listening to classical music, stretching, or meditation.
  • Do not go to bed thinking about the worries of the day, but visualize relaxing images with positive thoughts.
  • Try to keep similar schedules every day and not go to bed later than 11 at night, whenever possible.

Restful sleep

4. Exercise

Exercise is a great harmonizer of the nervous system. Its positive effects are immediate, since the day we exercise we can feel how it benefits our mood, our energy and even our night’s rest.

  • If during the day we have a very sedentary routine, we will preferably choose cardiovascular exercises, with an intensity adapted to each person.
  • On the other hand, if during the day we have done physical exercise, we will opt for more relaxing sports and stretching, such as yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates, etc.

One option that combines both aspects well is swimming. If we live near a natural environment we can also go for a walk, at least half an hour every day.

The best time of day to exercise depends on each person, their routine and their needs.

5. Contact with nature

One of the reasons why so many people today suffer from stress, anxiety and other nervous disorders is because we have lost contact with nature.

Life in cities has taken us away from such balancing elements as the green color of vegetation, the blue of the sea and the sky, the smell of rain on wet land, the pure and living water of springs, rivers and beaches. , etc.

There are those who remember these details as beautiful moments of childhood, in general, feeling great peace.

We must regain this contact, at least on weekends. We can organize excursions, snacks or getaways, lose bad habits and take off our shoes to walk on the sand or grass, watch a sunrise or sunset, etc.

These remedies are an infallible therapy for any nervous disorder, and we will also need them more and more as we perform them. What are you waiting for to keep your nervous system healthy?

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