8 Uses And Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can offer us certain health benefits, although moderate use is always recommended. We will tell you more about it in the following article.

It is said that the benefits of apple cider vinegar are multiple, both in the field of health and cleaning the home. For this reason, this product is widely used worldwide. Now, what does science say about it?

For years apple cider vinegar has been used for various purposes, such as cleaning window glass, for example. However, some people decide to consume it to improve their health and, above all, lose weight. This aroused the interest of experts and, therefore, numerous studies have been carried out on the use of this substance.

In part, the researchers’ goal was to determine to what extent vinegar applications are effective and when they could be harmful to health.

In a thesis presented at the Technical University of Cotopaxi, Ecuador, it was suggested that apple cider vinegar would have beneficial properties to, among other things, balance cholesterol levels in the blood.

However, the mechanism of action of vinegar components in certain applications has not yet been verified; therefore, not all of the popular uses for it are backed by science. 

Uses and benefits of apple cider vinegar

Apple vinager

Since many of its uses do not yet have scientific evidence to support them, it is essential to consult with a health professional before consuming it, as well as to follow the doctor’s recommendations for each case.

1. Digestive problems

Despite the fact that there are still more studies to verify this hypothesis, there are several investigations that maintain that apple cider vinegar has properties that increase the secretion of enzymes in the body. Thanks to this, pathogenic bacteria would be destroyed and stomach acids would be regulated.

Just as there are publications from specialized sites such as WebMD that mention this property to stimulate the digestive system, it is also said that this product could be used to combat digestive problems such as gas, spasms, constipation and, in general, to maintain the proper functioning of the digestive system. .

According to traditional medicine, in case of pain or discomfort, the most recommended is to consume a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar diluted in water. You can also add your preferred sweetener and it is claimed that it can be consumed before the three main meals.

2. Control of blood sugar

Although the mechanism that causes vinegar to help alter ingestion-induced glycemia has not yet been determined, the effects of acetic acid on disaccharidase activity continue to be reviewed.

However, Johnston and Gaas have observed that there is a positive influence in patients with diabetes who have consumed vinegar in their meals – as a dressing, for example – and that, therefore, it helps regulate blood sugar.

According to this research, for vinegar to work in this sense, it is necessary to consume it within a balanced diet, low in saturated fat, in which the consumption of refined sugars is also reduced and all the other guidelines of the doctor are adopted.

3. Fungi and herpes on the skin

It is considered that, due to acetic acid, another of the benefits of apple cider vinegar is its ability to help fight fungi, as stated in a study in the International Journal of Food Microbiology . In this way, it could be useful for conditions caused by the well-known Candida albicans and herpes.

However, it is appropriate to clarify that, while some studies support this property – such as the thesis mentioned in the first point – authors such as Johnston and Gaas maintain that these uses are not scientifically proven.

The popular use of this natural remedy consists of dissolving two or three cups of vinegar in the water of the tub and immersing the feet for 15 minutes. You can also mix a teaspoon of vinegar with a tablespoon of water and apply directly to the affected area.

4. Joint problems

According to research published by the Catholic University of Ecuador, one of the benefits of apple cider vinegar has to do with its ability to “soften calcium in the bones”, which contributes to the reduction of joint pain.

On the other hand, the previously cited thesis states that, due to its potassium content, vinegar helps delay the onset of muscle fatigue and cramps.

5. Hair

Continuing with what was argued in the thesis cited above, another of the most popular benefits of apple cider vinegar is its ability to give hair natural shine and eliminate dandruff. However, there is not enough evidence on these properties yet.

In this case, according to what is sustained in the historical popular use of this vinegar, its application is very simple: pour a tablespoon of vinegar on damp hair and leave it to act for between 2 and 5 minutes before rinsing as normal. custom.

It should be noted that, although it is a theoretically beneficial product, its use should be moderated because it can cause unwanted effects in people sensitive to its components. In this sense, the most prudent thing is to consult with the dermatologist before using it.

6. Insecticide

Although there is no scientific evidence to support this use, many people claim that apple cider vinegar is an excellent insect repellent. Its domestic use is very widespread in humid areas, where mosquitoes tend to proliferate.

It also helps control flea infestation on pets and around the house. For this, you can include a little vinegar in your pet’s bath (no more than one or two tablespoons, so as not to irritate the animal’s skin). Again, try to get approval from a veterinarian before using this resource.

Also, some people recommend diluting a little apple cider vinegar in water and placing it in a spray bottle to use as a homemade repellent and avoid insect bites.

7. Degreaser

In addition to the uses for the health of the body, apple cider vinegar could be a great ally for cleaning the home. Other popular uses of this liquid – not proven – can be taken advantage of thanks to the following preparations:

  • It could be used as a window cleaner: for this, you will have to dilute apple cider vinegar in warm water and then wipe the surface with a clean cloth cloth. The grime should come off easily.
  • Another possibility is to use it to clean utensils in the kitchen, since it is attributed a supposed degreasing and antibacterial function.

Benefits of apple cider vinegar: conclusion

In conclusion, the benefits of apple cider vinegar are multiple. Evidence shows that it is a very versatile resource. Be encouraged to get the most out of it, but always try to use it responsibly and with the utmost prudence.

Finally, keep in mind that if you suffer from symptoms related to the health problems mentioned in this article, it is essential that you visit a specialist to obtain a professional diagnosis and treatment.

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