6 Habits To Reach Emotional Maturity

Emotional maturity reveals the vital evolution of a person. Throughout his life, he has experienced an inner journey and has given him personal growth. Emotional maturity allows you to manage your emotions more effectively, as well as learn to be aware of them.

Therefore, the level of maturity of a person is observed, in part, in the response they offer to different daily events. Emotional maturity avoids unnecessary suffering. It is the ability to measure up to the daily challenges of life such as problems, friendship, love, family or goals.

For example, when a person experiences unrequited love, there are two options. The first, to make the decision to forget about that story and turn the page, accepting the situation, and the other, to continue feeding that state of concern until it becomes chronic. The first option, that of acceptance, shows emotional maturity.

Emotional maturity

3. Keep an emotion journal

Knowing yourself is very important, but we never seem to have time. Therefore, it is advisable to keep an emotion diary. Ideally, every night, before going to sleep, take time to write down in that journal all the emotions or sensations that you have experienced during the day.

What has happened that has made you feel so happy? How did you feel when they gave you that news? How did you respond to that insult? Reflecting on these questions and more will help you get to know yourself better.

4. Count to 5 before acting

Although it seems silly, the emotion diary can help you to be aware that you should put this exercise into practice.  It does not matter what situation you are in, nor if the emotions that arise are positive or negative.

In the time you take and think before acting, many things can change.


5. Practice detachment to reach emotional maturity

Sometimes we cling to things, people, ideas or situations, which are not good and hurt us. This is not emotional maturity, quite the opposite.

However, no one teaches us to practice detachment, something that is very healthy, but which means a whole world to us when we consider it. It is important not to hold on and start letting go.

6. What good is the complaint to you?

The complaint has settled in our society as if it were a virus. Emotional maturity teaches us that we have to be consistent, but also accept what is coming and that we cannot change.

The past, for example, is something that we constantly bring to our present, but it does not help you at all, on the contrary, it causes great unhappiness.

As you can see, reaching emotional maturity is possible. If you follow these steps, you will be more likely to succeed, but in any case we recommend consulting a therapist or psychologist if you think you need outside help.

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