Smoothies For Energy, Myth Or Reality?

Smoothies are an excellent food to fill us with energy and replenish our body after exercising. They are the ideal complement for any athlete who wants to improve their performance or anyone in general. Learn about the best smoothies to get energy fast.

Know which are the smoothies to obtain energy

Here is a list of the best shakes for energy, the ingredients are easy to find and very simple to prepare:

Kiwi smoothie with blueberries


  • – 150 ml of light natural yogurt
  • – 3 tablespoons ground flaxseed
  • – 2 kiwis
  • – 100g dried cranberries


1. Remove the peel from the kiwi and blend with the rest of the ingredients.
2. We serve and add honey if desired. It is recommended to take in the morning due to its high level of vitamins.

Properties (edit)

Kiwifruit has an interesting contribution, both of vitamins and mineral salts, which help the nervous and circulatory systems function properly. According to multiple researches, in addition to this, it would also benefit the immune system.

Smoothie sweet temptation



– 1 medium dark chocolate bar
– 2 scoops of vanilla or strawberry ice cream
– 1 glass of low-fat milk


1. Melt the chocolate bar in a double boiler.
2. Once made liquid, mix it with the milk and ice cream, blending it until it has a creamy texture.

Properties (edit)

Chocolate produces well-being when consumed as it contains stimulating (thebormine) and euphoric properties. In addition, it contains antioxidants that help prevent heart problems and vitamins that give your body energy.

Healthy Banana Smoothie


– 1 banana
– 1 glass of low-fat milk
– 3 tablespoons of oatmeal
– Cinnamon


1. Blend the banana, oatmeal and milk for two minutes. We serve in a glass and add a little cinnamon to increase the flavor.

Properties (edit)

The banana has an excellent combination of minerals and vitamins that make it an essential food  , mainly thanks to its great contribution of potassium, essential in regulating blood pressure.

Banana with walnut smoothie

blended for energy


– 1 glass of low-fat milk
– 1 banana
– 3 nuts
– Chocolate cookies


1. Place the banana with the milk and the nuts in the blender and let them blend until the nuts are crushed.
2. Serve and enjoy with some chocolate cookies.

Properties (edit)

The walnut is a “almost perfect” natural product due to its high level of antioxidants and proteins. In addition to its nutritional benefits, it contains high levels of polyphenols, antioxidant chemical compounds that help the body counteract the effects of molecules that cause oxidation and damage cells.

Orange, banana and strawberry smoothie


– Orange zest
– 1 banana
– 1 glass of soy milk
– 125 gr. strawberries


1. Put the soy milk, the previously washed strawberries and the banana in the blender.
2. Blend for 1 minute and serve in a glass, add a little orange zest, thus achieving a very outgoing and delicious flavor.

Properties (edit)

One cup of strawberries contains more than 13% of the RDA for dietary fiber and only 43 calories. The dietary fiber in strawberries helps maintain good digestion.

In general, this shake is very useful to recover after an intense and exhausting routine or exercise session. The properties of each fruit are excellent for this.

In conclusion

It is important that you eat a healthy diet rich in fruits, because this not only provides you with physical but also mental health, since, as we know, fruits have a high level of vitamins and elements that will surely improve the functions of our body.

Learn how to prepare these delicious fruit-based smoothies and say goodbye to lack of energy.

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