The 10 Foods To Burn Abdominal Fat Faster

By introducing these foods in our diet we increase the feeling of satiety and achieve an adequate supply of nutrients that prevent the accumulation of fat and favor its elimination

The abdomen is one of the areas of the body that, for aesthetics and health, many people are trying to work and take care of through diet and exercise. Nobody likes belly fat too much.

Unfortunately for everyone, it is in  this area where fat tends to accumulate more easily, causing us a poor figure and increasing the chances of suffering from heart problems.

The good news is that, just as there are specific movements to lose weight, there are also certain foods with nutritional qualities that enhance the ability to burn fat.

Although it is necessary to modify our diet and keep a balanced one, it is good to take into account some tips that can help us achieve better results in less time.

In this opportunity we want to share those 10 foods that you can eat more frequently to help you eliminate that accumulated fat in your belly. Do not miss them!

1. Celery

Nutritional properties of celery

This hypocaloric vegetable is a natural source of fiber that increases the feeling of satiety in the body.

It also contains calcium, a mineral that helps in the selection and elimination of harmful fats accumulated in the body.

2. Blue fish

They contain proteins and omega 3 fatty acids that help increase physical endurance to support the body’s ability to burn calories through exercise.

Those healthy fats help to cleanse excess harmful lipids in the body and, incidentally, help less body fat to be stored.

3. Olive oil

Olive oil

It is another of the healthy fats that can be quite beneficial for the body. It contains a significant amount of antioxidants, especially vitamins E and C.

Its nutritional wealth supports the elimination of harmful fats and promotes the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, according to this study carried out by the Rovira i Virgili University (Spain).

4. Almonds

They contain protein, calcium, and fiber. They are listed as an important source of energy, good for increasing physical and mental performance.

Their glycemic index helps regulate blood sugar levels, according to this study by the Indian Diabetes Foundation  and, thanks to this, they are also good for activating the metabolism.

5. Oats

Considered the most complete cereal, oats are a natural source of fiber and antioxidants that help you lose weight.

Its properties improve digestion, provide a greater feeling of satiety and participate in the reduction of cholesterol levels.

6. Berries


Raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and other berries contain fiber, water, and antioxidants that support metabolic function to burn fat, according to this study by the Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center. In addition, its anthocyanins would help to inhibit the accumulation of fats and sugars in the body.

7. Green tea

It is believed to be one of the best drinks to choose from to help us burn belly fat. It regulates blood glucose (according to information from this research carried out by the Chung-Ang University of Korea), blood pressure (according to this study by the Institute of Public Health, in China) and its high antioxidant content helps prevent premature aging caused by oxidative damage.

Due to its polyphenols, its consumption  helps to regulate the secretion of cortisol and controls the anxiety to ingest calories.

8. Broccoli


Calcium, fiber, and vitamins that are easily absorbed in the body help prevent the accumulation of fat in the body. This is stated in this study carried out by the University of Illinois (United States).

It contains a significant amount of vitamin C, whose antiviral action strengthens the immune system to prevent diseases.

In addition, its fiber increases the feeling of satiety and improves digestion for proper elimination of waste.

9. Lemon

According to this study carried out by Sugiyama Jogakuen (Japan), the most consumed citrus in the world is also a great support against body fat. Its peel contains a type of fiber called pectin, which fights constipation and helps control blood sugar.

The juice contains vitamin C, potassium, calcium, and other nutrients that are also effective in reducing weight.

10. Quinoa


It is an excellent ally to burn fat, according to this study carried out by La Trobe University (Australia), due to its low calorie intake and it is capable of reducing triglycerides. Each cup can provide us with up to 5 grams of fiber. For this reason, it has become famous as a “superfood” for digestion and loss of abdominal fat.

It contains proteins, antioxidants and other nutrients such as iron, zinc, selenium and vitamin E. Its properties can be enhanced by mixing it with nuts, vegetables or lean fats.

Do you include these foods in your diet? If you haven’t already done so, don’t hesitate to buy them the next time you go to the market.

Consuming them regularly and practicing at least 30 minutes of exercise a day, in addition to eating a healthy and balanced diet,  you can achieve a slimmer and more toned abdomen.

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