Natural Tips For Irritated Eyes

Irritated eyes can occur frequently. A healthy diet will help solve the internal problem and some additional tips will contribute to the external treatment

At some times of the year, especially at halftime, irritated eyes appear more easily. They become red, dry or teary and itch. This not only causes us annoyance, but it can make us look sickly.

In this article we propose some tips for irritated eyes. But remember, in advance, consult your trusted ophthalmologist to determine exactly the problem you present and prescribe the most appropriate treatment for it. 

A natural eye drop for irritated eyes

When you have dry and irritated eyes, a great option is to hydrate them with eye drops. We recommend that you preferably use those that are of natural origin.

  • One of the most common is eyebright, an excellent medicinal plant for our eye health, according to scientific evidence.

If you choose a conventional eye drop, try not to contain corticosteroids. This is because long-term, regular use can have detrimental effects. Find out well with your GP.

Moisturize the eyes from within

Discover kajal or kohl

Precisely in India, but also in many Arab countries, women (and also men and children!) Use a natural black paint known as kajal or kohl on their eyes .

This traditional paint is not only a very intense eye makeup, but it is made with oils and other natural ingredients. Its benefits have not been scientifically proven.

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