What Are The 10 Best Fats That Cannot Be Missing From Your Diet

Fats are beneficial for health and fulfill essential functions to have a good quality of life. You should only choose unprocessed fats and consume them in moderation.

Fats have been criticized for decades, as if a healthy diet has to be free of these nutrients. However, the key is to choose the best fats and eat them in balance with protein and carbohydrates. In this way we will achieve a balanced weight and ideal health.

Discover in this article which are the 10 best fats that cannot be missing from your diet.

Are fats good or bad?

Fats, in their proper measure, are not bad for your health. On the contrary, they are beneficial and fulfill essential functions to have a good quality of life. However, we must take into account two keys:

  • We must consume them in moderation. Each meal should contain a serving of fat in the proper proportion with the rest of the food.
  • We must choose good quality, unprocessed fats, such as those presented below.

Top 10 fats

1. Coconut oil

coconut oil

Extra virgin coconut oil is an increasingly popular food thanks to its content of essential fatty acids, among which lauric acid and palmitic acid stand out. It is also a fat that we can use for cooking, since it supports high temperatures very well without deteriorating.

Coconut oil, which solidifies below 23 degrees Celsius, is a medicinal food. It is also a natural and homemade cosmetic ingredient, ideal for nourishing skin and hair.

2. Flax oil

Flaxseed oil, which is extracted from the first cold pressing of flax seeds, is a product rich in nutrients; Among which stand out its high content of essential fatty acids Omega 3. Omega 3 have anti-inflammatory properties, improve circulation and balance the nervous system.

To benefit from its properties we must consume it cold, since it undergoes oxidation if we subject it to heat.

3. Krill oil

Krill oil

The amazing krill oil also stands out for its Omega 3 and phospholipid content. This oil, which is extracted from a crustacean, is a traditional food in some Asian countries. It is usually taken in capsules, in the form of a nutritional supplement.

4. Avocado

Avocado is a fruit that stands out for its nutritional composition, as it is high in protein, fat and fiber. Its pulp, which is well ripe, has the texture of butter, is a delight in all kinds of recipes and a highly valued food in vegetarian and vegan diets. It is always consumed raw, in salads, sauces, creams or smoothies.

5. Macadamia nut

Macadamia nut

The Macadamia nut is one of the richest nuts in fat. These nuts contain Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids that help us prevent many health disorders. It is recommended to consume a handful a day.

6. Ghee

Ghee is a butter that is consumed in countries like India. It is much healthier because it has undergone a slow cooking process to extract less healthy substances, such as toxins, fats and also lactose. Its flavor is intense and delicious, similar to a dried fruit, and we can consume it in moderation instead of butter or margarine.

7. Olive oil

Olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil, common in Mediterranean cuisine, is also a good option for cooking and one of the best fats for health. This oil that is extracted from the olive is a powerful antioxidant, rich in Omega 9 acids and vitamin E. 

8. Pumpkin seeds

All the seeds are rich in fat. However, pumpkin seeds are very beneficial for the intestine, prostate, heart and immune system. 

9. Blue fish

Blue Fish

Blue fish stands out for its high fat content. However, if we want to avoid the consumption of harmful heavy metals, we must choose small fish, such as sardines, anchovies or mackerel, and do without salmon, tuna or swordfish.

10. Egg yolk

Egg yolk is a very nutritious fat, ideal for enriching all types of diets. It contains vitamins A, B, E, D, folic acid  and minerals such as iron, potassium, magnesium or phosphorus. We can consume about four eggs per week, without any health risk.

Add these foods to your diet and you will benefit from all its properties. Remember that it is better to eat in moderation than to deprive yourself of some foods and overeat others.

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