Frozen Chocolate And Passion Fruit Cake

Who doesn’t want a refreshing cake with chocolate and fruit? The frozen chocolate and passion fruit cake has ingredients that are very easy to buy and is very simple to make. Also, for those who are new to the kitchen. Also, the one we’re going to show you has cheese. The result will be a very fluffy and delicious dessert.

If you want a sophisticated, different and exquisite recipe, bet on this frozen chocolate and passion fruit cake.

Recipe for the frozen chocolate and passion fruit cake


  • 1 package of chocolate cookies, type of María or Chiquilín
  • 80 g of creamy butter
  • 500 g cream cheese
  • 200 g of liquid cream
  • Passion fruit juice or natural passion fruit
  • 5 gelatin sheets
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence (optional)
  • white or dark chocolate
  • splash of fruit liqueur or cognac (optional)
  • 1 passion fruit to decorate


  • Food processor or bag and rolling pin
  • removable cake pan
  • blender
  • grater or 1 knife
  • spoon


  • Crush the cookies. You can do it with the help of a food processor. If you do not have it, put the cookies previously cut into pieces in a bag with a hermetic seal and roll it with a rolling pin until they are completely crushed.
  • Mix the cookies with the butter  until you have a dough and line your removable pan.
  • Beat the cream cheese with the cream.
  • Moisturize the gelatin leaves in the passion fruit juice. Then put it in the microwave for a few seconds so that the gelatin dissolves completely.
  • Pour the batter into the cake pan  lined with the cookie base.
  • Put it in the coldest part in the fridge  for a few hours. Remember that we are talking about a frozen cake. So that it is very cold before serving, after it sets, you can leave it for 10 minutes to 15 minutes in the freezer. Be careful not to freeze. The goal is for it to be very cold before serving.
  • Put the chocolate bar in the refrigerator. With a grater or with a knife, remove shavings of dark or white chocolate or both, and decorate the cake. You could also add some passion fruit wedges.

A delicious topping for your cake

If you want to prepare a delicious topping for your cake, take note. This one that we show you is very easy to do and it looks very good.

  • Put 1 sheet of gelatin to hydrate in a little water.
  • Put it in the microwave for a few seconds, so that it finishes dissolving.
  • Add the pulp of 3 passion fruit, whipped and previously strained. Add a little passion fruit juice.
  • Mix all the ingredients well and put the topping on your already cold cake. Put it back in the fridge so the topping thickens.

Data of interest

  • If you want you can decorate your cake with crushed chocolate cookie. Sprinkle it on top.
  • To add a touch of color, put some candied cherries, strawberries or berries on your cake.
  • If you want, when you have your cream ready, you can add chocolate shavings. You will have a stracciatella type cream .
  • Once the cake is ready, you can also put passion fruit jam on it. If you can’t find it, you can make it yourself at home. The passion fruit jam is very good with the seeds included. Both for the texture it gives, and for the color. In addition, they help to thicken it even more.

Homemade passion fruit jam



  • 1/2 kilo of passion fruit
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 1 glass of sugar


  • 1 blender
  • 1 measuring cup
  • 1 saucepan


  • Cut the passion fruit and remove the pulp and seeds.
  • Put the pulp in a blender to release all the juice.
  • In a saucepan with sugar, place the pulp and let it boil until it becomes a jam.

Data of interest

This cake is ideal for children, because it contains everything they need for their growth: On the one hand, the calcium provided by cheese, butter and cream; on the other, the properties of a fruit as complete as passion fruit.

The passion fruit (or passion fruit, as it is also known) provides such important minerals as  calcium, phosphorus and iron. It prevents constipation and is a magnificent source of vitamins A, B, C and E. It has calming properties, thanks to its niacin content, and detoxifying, due to how rich it is in fiber. In addition, it has anticancer properties.

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