9 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Head Lice

Head lice are a pest that practically everyone has had to deal with at some point. Do you know what natural products you can use to kill them?

In general, children are the ones who are most at risk of being attacked by these insects. This is common, but it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t give importance to the task of eliminating lice; These can multiply and harm both the person who has them, as well as others.

Lice have a predilection for the scalp.  They cling to it so much that sometimes it’s hard to get them out of your head. Female lice lay nits, which will later turn into lice as well. Because of this, if you don’t remove them right away, your head will be infected by these nasty ectoparasites in no time.

9 homemade solutions against lice

In the pharmacy there are many useful products to remove lice from the scalp. However, there are also some home remedies that could be effective. Of course, always remember to consult your doctor first and carry out, if necessary, an allergy test to check that the child does not suffer any type of negative reaction.

Next, we will comment on some of them.

1. Eucalyptus

The effectiveness of this remedy is proven in this study carried out by the University of ConcepciĆ³n (Chile). Still, it is recommended that you consult with your pediatrician or dermatologist before applying it directly to your child. 

To prepare it, you must boil a few eucalyptus leaves in a liter of water. then when the heat has been turned off and the liquid has cooled, you can gently apply it to the infected head. Massage the scalp and do not forget to always apply the liquid from the roots to the ends.

2. Garlic

This advice has not been endorsed by any institution, so we recommend caution in its use. Garlic could irritate the scalp. However, if you want to try it and there are no allergy problems, the application would be as follows:

A head of garlic must be crushed and mixed in half a liter of water. Afterwards, it is left to rest for a few hours and the infusion is passed through the strainer.

Then, you have to massage this mixture on the scalp and then wrap the head in a plastic cap or a bag. This can be done at night and removed the next day, so that it does not take any time and has a better effect.

3. Lavender essence

According to this research from Insect Research & Development Limited (Cambridge), lavender oil can be used. Do it with gloves, as it can cause allergies or discomfort in the hands. It is a very effective liquid to combat these insects.

4. Baby oil

It is important to know that this remedy is not supported by scientific evidence either, so it is better to consult a doctor first.

This oil is one of the elements that is not lacking in homes. If you decide to use it, soak the affected person’s head and cover with a hat for a few hours. Then wash your hair well with shampoo and repeat the same process a week later.

5. Vinegar

Apple vinager

This remedy is one of the most effective to eliminate lice, according to this study by the Spanish Association of Pediatrics. To use, mix hot water and vinegar and apply to all hair – it must be dry – from the roots to the ends.  If you see that they have not been eliminated, you can repeat the remedy several times; so you will achieve a better effect.

6. Ruda

It is believed that rue might help, but there is no research to support its effective use against lice. It is advisable to consult a specialist first.

If you want to try it later, pour a few rue leaves in a liter of water and bring to a boil. Once ready, apply directly to the scalp and massage; then cover with a hat and wait a while to rinse.

7. Olive oil

There is no scientific evidence to support its use to fight nits or lice.

If the use is still desired, apply 4 tablespoons of olive oil on the head, cover with a bag and leave it to act  for a few hours.

8. Alcohol with a smell?

This remedy, in addition to not working, can be very dangerous. It is advisable not to carry it out under any circumstances despite its popularity.

9. Leave-in cream or conditioner


There is no evidence to support this claim, but it can be safely proven. There are special utensils that can be obtained at the pharmacy that include the use of a special comb to remove the nits.

Additional recommendations to eliminate lice

These suggestions can be very helpful to prevent the appearance of lice and to combat them once they have already manifested:

  • Wash sheets and pillows.
  • Ask your children not to share stuffed animals, hats, combs, jackets and other intimate products with their classmates.
  • Leave the haircut as the last option; try less drastic options first.
  • If you have a girl, send her to school with clean, tied hair ; this will prevent them from sticking easily.

Lastly, if you see other kinds of symptoms other than itching and burning, it is advisable that you go to the doctor to obtain a more specific diagnosis.

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