Teach Children Resilience And Hope

Learning from adversity and transforming what we have experienced into something that makes us grow is essential to achieve happiness. Teach your children resilience to make them happy!

The Royal Spanish Academy defines resilience as “the ability of a living being to adapt to a disturbing agent or an adverse state or situation”. It is then about the ability to emerge stronger from the situations experienced, regardless of whether they are negative. Teach your kids resilience and raise happy kids.

As you read, resilience is intimately related to happiness because it allows each person to take what they have lived, learn from it and transform it into something good for the future. Sounds good? Read on to find out how you can raise resilient children.

Teach your kids resilience

Unfortunately, resilience is not intrinsic to being human. We are not born resilient, we learn to be resilient. For this reason, your role as a parent is essential for your children to learn to adapt, accept what they have experienced, learn and move on.

Why is resilience important?

Happy girl with raised thumb

Life brings us one of lime and one of sand, at least that is what the popular saying says and, the truth is that it is quite true. Knowing how to accept the adversities that life presents us, cope with them as well as possible and grow thanks to what we have lived, is important to achieve happiness.

Teach your children to be resilient, to transform any situation experienced into something new and positive. Help them not get stuck in the past and look to the future. Show them that knowing your own strengths and weaknesses is essential to develop in all aspects of life.

Resilience is a way of facing life that allows you to achieve happiness through the transformation of any situation into something new and improved. Therein lies the importance of resilience: it is a beacon of hope because, no matter what happens, we can turn it into something positive for ourselves.

Teach your kids resilience: 8 tips

At the beginning of this article we have told you that one is not born resilient. Therefore, the role of parents and teachers is vitally important in raising resilient children. Let’s see together how you can help the little ones:

1. Lead by example

Happy family in the field with a kite

The first step in teaching resilience is practicing it! Your children will only become resilient people if you are resilient first. Remember that the little ones watch us continuously. Set an example and show your child how you can make the most of each experience, turning it into something positive for you.

2. Allow your children to make mistakes

Sometimes parents are overprotective and this is not good for children. They need certain freedoms to experiment and make mistakes. Give your children room to make mistakes because you never learn as much as when you make mistakes!

3. Let children face the consequences of their actions

This point is linked to the previous one. Let your child make a mistake and make that mistake. Children must discover that there are consequences for their actions. It is the only way they internalize social norms and evaluate what is worthwhile and what is not!

4. Allow your children to get frustrated

Angry child

This is another fairly common mistake: many parents prevent our children from being frustrated so they do not suffer. But are we really helping them adjust to life? Teach resilience through personal experience, allowing your children to have small setbacks and to learn that something good is possible out of everything.

5. Help children to think

Parents tend to provide solutions. However, children must learn to solve problems, think, and use logic. Allow your children to think for themselves and guide them to find the solution. They will be proud of themselves!

6. Teach that all change is an opportunity

Sometimes the problem is in the glass with which you look at things. How about teaching your child that every change, no matter how bad, can be an opportunity? This is the foundation of resilience. Everything can be turned into something better!

7. Promote self-esteem

Father and son high-fiving

A child who does not value himself and does not believe himself capable of anything, will not be able to face difficulties and challenges. Boost your children’s self-esteem to allow them to become resilient children.

8. Love your children and show it to them!

Last but not least, love your children and show it with words, gestures and actions. Teach resilience from love, only then can you raise children with hope that tomorrow they will be strong, empathetic and happy adults.

Resilience is extremely important today. Create a safe environment for your children to experiment freely and build resilience so that nothing can ever bring them down.

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