The 5 Best Aerobic Exercises To Burn Fat Without Going To The Gym

Aerobic exercises can help burn fat, as long as we complement their practice with a good diet. Fortunately, we can make them at home or outdoors.

When it comes to reducing body fat, aerobic exercise is one of the best habits to adopt. Its regular practice contributes to improving the activity of the metabolism, increasing its ability to transform fat into a source of energy for the body.

By the way, it serves to promote the elimination of toxins and liquids retained in the body.  In this way, aerobics also reduce the difficulty of fighting excess weight.

Best of all, you don’t have to go to a gym to incorporate it into your daily routine. And, luckily, there are many activities that can be done outdoors or in the comfort of home.

The truth is that results can be faster when aerobics are combined with a little strength training. It is advisable to dedicate a part of the day to them to help improve health and figure. On this occasion we want to share in detail 5 ways to do them:

1. Walking, one of the best aerobic exercises

To walk

Walking is one of the easiest aerobic exercises to practice and the benefits of which go beyond weight loss. A study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise highlighted that it is one of the healthiest forms of physical activity.

By incorporating it into the daily routine , blood circulation problems, fluid retention and muscle stiffness are reduced. It is even one of the most recommended activities for patients with type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

How to do it?

  • It would be nice if you did some stretching before you get going. If you do 10-15 minutes of stretching, it is enough.
  • Put on comfortable shoes and walk for about 30 minutes at a brisk pace.

    2. Zumba

    Zumba is a very fun way to do aerobic exercises, since it consists of performing various types of routines to the rhythm of Latin music. A study published in 2016 found it to have moderate weight loss benefits.

    In addition, he also highlighted that it provides psychological and social benefits that contribute to a better quality of life. A 60-minute session can burn up to 1,500 calories, depending on the intensity of the exercise.

    How to do it?

    • Look for Zumba classes in your city, or go ahead and do it at home in one of the free spaces.
    • In this way, choose the Latin music that you like the most and exercise your body while you dance.

    3. More aerobic exercises: step


    The step is one of the few disciplines that, in addition to helping to burn calories and fat, contributes to the development of muscle mass.

    Its name means ‘step’ and it has been part of the exercise routines since 1990. It consists of going up and down from a small platform, bench or step, with various types of choreographed sequences that allow working on the cardiovascular part.

    Incidentally, it helps increase physical strength, balance and ability to concentrate, as detailed by research published in  Sports Medicine .

    An example of how to do it

    • With your back straight and your shoulders back relaxed, step up onto the step, orienting your support in the center of the platform or bench.
    • In this way, step on the platform with the entire sole of your foot and, when lowering, make sure that you support your heel correctly before taking the next step.
    • Avoid making sudden jumps from the step to the ground because it can injure your knees.
    • Perform alternating movements with each leg, 3 sets of 20 repetitions each.

      4. Cycling

      Another aerobic exercise that can contribute to a healthy weight is cycling. According to a study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports , it can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

      In particular, cycling is an aerobic activity that does double duty. On the one hand, it serves to activate the metabolism and promote fat reduction, and on the other, it is a good option to strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

      Doing it regularly fights stress, joint pain, and even blood circulation problems.

      How to do it?

      • Grab your bike, be sure to wear sportswear, and go for a 30-40 minute ride outside.
      • If you have an exercise bike, ride it at home for 20 to 30 minutes

      5. Jump rope

      Jump rope

      Jumping rope is a fun activity that reminds us of childhood games. Beyond this, it is an exercise that helps burn fat while increasing muscle mass.

      First, doing so improves metabolic processes. By the way, bones and joints are strengthened. It is even healthy for cognitive health, since it requires concentration and coordination.

      How to do it?

      • Keep your head straight, looking straight ahead.
      • The torso should remain straight and the knees slightly bent.
      • The elbows should be close to the body and the rope should be turned with the wrists.
      • Finally, use the balls of your feet to propel yourself and land.
      • Do 50 to 100 jumps in a row.

      Aerobic exercises to burn fat are a good complement

      All of the above exercises can contribute to the burning of fat calories. However, it is essential to complement your practice with healthy eating and other good lifestyle habits.

      In case you are overweight or obese, it is best to seek advice from nutrition specialists so that they can guide you on a suitable meal plan to lose weight.

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