Why Did We Decide To Get Married?

In these times where marriage is optional, many couples continue to walk down the aisle and say ‘I do.’ Is it a conviction, a need or an attempt to please families and society? The simple question: why did we decide to get married?

In the last two decades in the western countries the obligatory nature of the wedding has been put aside. In fact, you can currently live as a couple without going through the altar. However, even so we decided to get married. For what is this? In this article we will tell you about it.

Marrying in times of concubinage

The last two generations have an opportunity that their parents or grandparents would never have thought of: living as a couple without getting married. Until no more than 30 years ago, a woman had to marry to leave home.  Later, she had to dedicate herself to housework and raising children.

Beyond the fact that the so-called ‘women’s liberation’ was already present in society since the 60s or 70s, the truth is that it was still not usual for a young woman to live alone and work outside the home. But all that has changed: in the XXI century there are thousands of women who live with their partners without marrying.

Currently, women are not projected towards family photography used in advertising. The other way around: now they focus on their careers, their tastes, travel or their well-being. However, when we decide to get married it is because we bet on something that goes beyond today, that is, we think about the future.

If not required, why did we decide to get married?

It is true that going through the civil registry gives a legal framework to the relationship. It is not necessary to marry to love each other, but it is necessary as a superior and future commitment. And that commitment is not only for the other, but for the whole of society.

Basically that is what the marriage ritual is about: once the papers are signed, the couple becomes an “official institution” and everything they do has repercussions on those around them. Perhaps this seems exaggerated, because just as a marriage paper is signed, a divorce decree is also signed.

However, and beyond the possibility of separation, the truth is that today the public announcement that we are willing to assume the responsibilities, rights and commitments that marriage entails is still very important .

Reasons for getting married

Love is one of the reasons we get married.  However, it is not and should not be the only one, although it is the most beautiful or authentic.

Many marry after a very long courtship.  Others because they like the idea of ​​celebrating it big. There are also those who do it out of social pressure and there are even couples who decide to take that step before becoming parents so that their children are born in a “legal framework”.

We decided to get married because we are willing to guarantee stability to the other and to ourselves, to establish a course of life, to put a seal on that plan we have drawn up, to envision the future and to build a strong and unbreakable alliance.

Groom and bride at a wedding kissing surrounded by guests

Of course we are married for love, but also because we are committed to a project that goes beyond ourselves. And because we realize that we will always have a person to help us and allow us to get our best version.

But for this, we must be totally sure that this is the step we want to take. No pressure, no fashions, no social or religious beliefs … Nothing else but you and your partner matter. So they can be truly happy forever!

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