A New Pathogen Discovered In Africa Causes A Disease Similar To That Of Anthrax

The efforts and determination of scientists have results that sometimes they do not even expect. This is the case of the discovery of a new pathogen that causes a disease similar to anthrax.

Caused by bacteria, anthrax disease can be fatal. Although it is not very common, people can come into contact with other individuals or animals that suffer from it.

However, a group of researchers has discovered in Central Africa a new pathogen that generates a similar ailment.

This infects all kinds of living beings and could be present in many countries on the African continent.

The bacteria responsible for anthrax are called Bacillus anthracis . It is closely related to another less dangerous, but more common, called  Bacillus cereus .

This is commonly found on farmlands around the world. Most of the time it is harmless. However, a much more malicious strain has appeared in Africa.

German scientists discover a disease similar to anthrax

After taking a sample in a town in the Congo, scientists at the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin isolated a bacterium they found in a dying animal.

Not long after, they took samples from a dead chimpanzee, gorilla and elephant in the forests of Cameroon, the Central African Republic and the Ivory Coast. Thus, they found in them a strain of Bacillus cereus. One of them had developed a life similar to that of Bacillus anthracis .

Scholars have called it Bacillus cereus biovar anthracis , since it consists of a mixture of the characteristics of the previous two. The reason why it is a disease similar to that of anthrax is in two genes located in two plasmids that are within it.

These two genes are in the anthrax and the newly discovered pathogen, so it is possible that these are the cause of the virulence of both.

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The pathogen could be in almost the entire African continent

As the researchers note, it is quite likely that the newly discovered bacterium has spread across most of the continent. Apparently, for it to be generated, very specific climatic conditions must exist.

However, this statement, the scientists indicate, is a hypothesis that they want to test in future research.  For this, they have the support of the German institution.

If this is confirmed it would be an impressive find. It would be one of the main causes of illness and death on the continent.

In this sense, there would be a key to lower the mortality rate in a continent besieged by misery.

Advances in genetics will allow us to know the bacteria from the inside. Consequently, drugs to treat the disease will be much more effective.  Thus, its effects will be noticed quickly.

We may be facing one of the most significant discoveries for the future of the African continent.

 For now, we must watch

As scientists focus on new studies, they warn of the importance of prevention.

Taking into account the number of animals that have perished with the pathogens, the ideal would be to create review units to detect cases of infected people.

In this sense, it is necessary to monitor the state of the earth, to check if there is this bacterium that causes a disease similar to that of anthrax.

The fact that it is in this element is very risky, since it is the substrate of the vegetables that are grown and the animal feed that we consume.


The requirement to take a sample and follow-up is indisputable. It would mean starting the race against the pathogen.

On the other hand, they point out that, when sampling, action protocols could also be articulated to prevent the bacterium Cereus anthracis biovar from moving to other continents.

It is true that the existence of the aforementioned bacteria is not good news. However, we must celebrate that the Robert Koch Institute found her.

In the first place, it may represent a before and after in the health of Africans; secondly, its detection at this time could paralyze its expansion to other places.

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