4 Feng Shui Decoration Tips For Renting A Property

If you have a second home and you want to get the most out of it, you can rent it by following these feng shui decoration tips . This ancient art applied to today’s buildings, offers an ideal style of decoration and organization to inhabit.

Discover in this article how to make the most of space. How to decorate rooms so that they convey order and tranquility and how to radiate well-being in your rental home.

Feng shui decoration for a first impression

It has happened to all of us that we arrive at a place, a house or any other space and immediately we already have a first impression. Sometimes, without knowing why, a building is depressing and a cafeteria seems romantic. One square seems like a place full of calm while another makes us feel unsafe.

Because, in reality, places awaken us emotions and evoke memories. Therefore, in our day to day, whenever we can, we choose those that make us feel better.

For this reason, if you want to rent a property, you should try to awaken positive reactions, of joy, tranquility and well-being. And to achieve this, we can resort to the keys that feng shui decoration offers us . This ancient Chinese philosophical system seeks, above all, harmony in the home. 

Keys to feng shui decoration

1. Less is more

Living room with minimalist style

One of the big mistakes when decorating a rental home is overloading it. Decorating is not about gathering your leftover objects and hanging them on the walls. If you are not clear about the concept you want to recreate, it is better to use as little as possible. In this case less is more.

A cozy room must be clear of useless objects, so that the view transmits feelings of calm and tranquility. It is preferable to use decorative objects very selectively, rather than start filling the house as if it were an antique bazaar.

If you don’t like something for your home, it’s hard to think that it will fit in with your tenants. Therefore, do not be afraid to get rid of what does not contribute anything. 

2. The well-chosen color

Another of the great aspects that will define a suitable feng shui decoration is the color palette you choose. A correct choice in the color of a room can turn it into an idyllic space.

To do this, use pastel shades and neutral colors. Also, avoid paints with glossy finishes, better to use matt tones. And remember when choosing the color that it is usually darker in reality than in the sample from which it is chosen.

Treat these details with care and attention, even if it is not the house where you are going to live. In this way, it will be easier for you to find a family that falls in love with your house and wants to rent it.

3. Light is your best decorator

House with neutral tones

Although it is true that it is very complicated and expensive to add new electricity inputs to your house, if it is within your reach, do not hesitate to do so. A bright house is a success no matter where you look at it.

Light brings vitality, energy and joy. Also, it greatly changes the look of any room. And a space with natural light raises the price of your property and makes it exclusive and in high demand.

The feng shui recommends direct contact with nature spaces. Always try to integrate natural spaces into our construction. It is obvious that not all houses have a garden or area with trees, and therefore a good option is the decoration with plants.

The use of indoor plants or floral ornaments can change a room a lot. In addition, since we bet on soft color tones, the plants and flowers will be in charge of giving the colorful and lively point to our home. 

These tips are the keys you need to start carrying out a feng shui decoration in the home you want to rent and in your own home. Not only will you be able to make a positive impression, but you will actually be offering a healthier home.

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