9 Mistakes You Make When Recycling

The agglomeration of garbage of various kinds entails a set of problems that, even today, most cities in the world cannot solve in a definitive way, according to an article published in the magazine Universidad y Sociedad. The most effective option so far seems to be recycling and in this note we will tell you the most frequent mistakes when recycling.

The problem of waste leads to the formation of sources of air, water and land pollution that, in addition to damaging the planet, end up affecting the food we eat and our health. Using the different recycling techniques we can not only reduce the magnitude of waste and pollution, but also optimize economic efficiency.

The concept of recycling is based, according to the thesis presented by Carina Magaly Álvarez Gomez de Coz to the Rafael Landívar University, on thinking and managing garbage as a resource instead of mere waste. In this way, actions can be used to recover and transform waste.

Common mistakes when recycling

In a note cited by the Cuban media Science on its PC, it delves into the viability of transforming waste into renewable energy. However, it is clear that this method is very complex, due to the variety of conversion procedures and the diversity of the different existing materials. Because of them, it is common for certain mistakes to be made when recycling.

1. Contaminate with wet wipes and paper napkins

Although they contain paper cellulose, sanitary napkins contain fibers derived from fossil fuel. On the other hand, stained or damp paper napkins are not recyclable. Both objects must be discarded as solids.

2. Incorporate food cartons at home

Food delivery cartons, such as Chinese food, hamburgers, pizza or sushi, are often stained with oil or grease. This makes them unusable and unrecoverable. Therefore, they must go to the non-recyclable garbage can.

3. Believe that all plastics can be recycled

One of the most common mistakes when recycling is believing that all plastics are recyclable. Cellophane wrappers cannot be recycled, as can non-biodegradable bags, plastics marked with PLA, long-life packaging, and used toothbrushes.

Plastics that cannot be recycled.

4. Waste organic waste

A good way to reduce organic waste is to use vegetables, egg shells, and fruits to compost at home. Once it has developed the necessary qualities, you can use it as a nutrient for the plants in your garden.

5. Think that all types of glass can be recycled

If you thought you could throw broken glasses and glasses into the recyclable waste bin, that’s a huge mistake. These elements are not made of glass, but of crystal, which has lead oxide in its composition.

Car and window glass, light bulbs, medicine ampoules, and mirrors cannot be recycled either.

6. Mix used batteries with other recyclable objects

The best alternative, when it comes to batteries and the aim is to take care of the environment, is to use rechargeable batteries. If this possibility is not within our options and we are forced to use common batteries, we must remember that they should not be thrown away as recyclable or solid waste, but must be accumulated separately and transported to specific places.

7. Mixing various dirty materials or food scraps

Materials such as plastic containers, cans and bottles must be thoroughly washed and dry when depositing them with other recyclable waste. Otherwise, not only would these in themselves be unusable, but they could also render the entire load unusable.

8. Throwing industrial food wrappers

Although it seems counterintuitive and out of common sense, the papers that wrap products such as candy, packaged potato chips or cookies should not be disposed of as recyclable waste, but as solid waste, since it is usual that remains of the food that they used to wrap.

9. Consider expanded polystyrene as recyclable material

Last but not least, there is something that many people may not know about. Expanded polystyrene, that material that is so useful for creating home delivery boxes, disposable cups for coffee or tea, food trays and even for insulating fillers in buildings, is a derivative of petroleum and plastic. Therefore, it is not feasible to be recycled.

Recycling with containers.

Importance of recycling and caring for our planet

Our planet and its habitability conditions have an expiration date. Air, land and water pollution, greenhouse effect, indiscriminate deforestation, global warming.

Recycling is a start and is in everyone’s hands. But, unfortunately, that alone is not enough. To achieve a more effective process and alleviate errors when recycling, the editorial of the Revista Argentina de Microbiología proposes a circular economy model.

This concept, which is based on the principles of the ecological school, implies the idea of ​​intelligent reuse of waste, whether organic or technological, to turn it into raw material that can nourish the cycles of nature or to transmute it into fragments of new ones. products, with minimal energy cost.

Recycling centers including alternative energy sources as compensation for recycling errors

The creation of this type of center has been proposed as a categorical solution to the problem of errors when recycling and the deficient handling of garbage in general, in the urban centers of the countries.

The creation of a recycling center would imply the generation of an economic cluster that would allow, in addition to reducing, recycling and properly processing waste, producing electricity at low cost, unlike conventional electricity generation and distribution systems.

Ideas are on the table. Personal, social and political decisions are lacking to improve waste processing and, once and for all, put an end to the possibility of ecological catastrophe.

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