8 Uses Of Hydrogen Peroxide That You Will Like To Know

The antibacterial properties of hydrogen peroxide make it the perfect ally for cleaning the home, as it helps eliminate bacteria and fungi

Hydrogen peroxide is a product with antiseptic properties that is often used to disinfect superficial wounds. Many people include it in their emergency kit, not only because it cleanses and protects skin when injured, but because it can facilitate various cleaning and cosmetic tasks.

It has lightening, antifungal and antibacterial properties that, externally, help to leave some surfaces flawless and free of microorganisms.

In addition, it can be used within the beauty routine, not only to avoid infections and allergies, but also to reduce stains and other aesthetic problems.

Taking into account that some are unaware of its alternative uses, in the following space we want to share a compilation with the 8 best. Try them at home!

1. Clean the wooden board

Clean the kitchen table

Since they retain moisture and food debris, wooden boards have an ideal environment for the growth of fungi and bacteria. If you want to leave it clean and disinfected before a new use, do it  with a little hydrogen peroxide.

How to use it?

  • Pour some of the product into a spray bottle and spray it on the board.
  • Let it act for 5 minutes and rinse.

2. Disinfect fruits and vegetables

Although fruits and vegetables are healthy foods, it is best to disinfect them with a little hydrogen peroxide before consumption. Although we cannot notice it, on its surface there are microbes and traces of pesticides that can be harmful to health.

How to use it?

  • Add a jet of hydrogen peroxide to a bowl of water and immerse the food for 5 minutes.

3. Reduce skin blemishes

Removing stains is possible

This ingredient has whitening and exfoliating agents that can significantly reduce spots caused by the sun and toxins.

Its regular use eliminates the dead cells retained on the surface of the skin and, incidentally, inhibits the negative effects of free radicals.

How to use it?

  • Dampen a piece of cotton with hydrogen peroxide and rub it on the stains.
  • Leave it to work without rinsing and, a couple of hours later, apply moisturizer.
  • Repeat the treatment every day.

4. Detoxify the skin

Day by day, the skin accumulates toxins and impurities that, by clogging the pores, can cause blemishes. Due to its composition, hydrogen peroxide is an ideal ingredient for making a deep cleansing and detoxification bath.

How to use it?

  • Add a cup (250 ml) of 3% hydrogen peroxide to your tub of warm water and soak your body for 15 minutes.
  • Repeat the bath at least once a month.

5. Disinfect sponges

Sponges in the bathroom and kitchen are highly contaminated by fungi, bacteria and other germs that can affect health. The antiseptic and antibacterial properties of this ingredient allow cleaning this object and make it suitable for a new use.

How to use it?

  • Combine equal parts hydrogen peroxide with hot water and soak the sponges for 20 minutes.

6. Laundry bleach

The bleaching properties of this ingredient not only benefit the skin, but can make some laundry tasks easier. These qualities help remove sweat and dust stains from white garments, leaving them clean and shiny.

How to use it?

  • Add half a cup (125 ml) of hydrogen peroxide to a bucket of hot water and soak the clothes you want to bleach.
  • In case of blood stains, apply the product directly on the fabric.

7. Fight foot fungus with hydrogen peroxide


The antifungal compounds in this product are an effective remedy against fungi that form on the soles of the feet and nails.

How to use it?

  • Spray a small amount on the affected areas and leave it to act without rinsing.
  • Optionally, add it to a bowl of warm water and soak your feet for 20 minutes.

8. Treat acne

Due to its antibacterial action, hydrogen peroxide is an effective solution against pimples,  which are formed by some bacteria that can proliferate on the skin. It deflates pimples and helps clean pores.

How to use it?

  • Dip a cotton ball into the product and rub it on the acne-affected areas.
  • Let it dry and rinse.
  • Use it only once a day, as excesses could be irritating to the skin.

Still do not take advantage of hydrogen peroxide for these uses? Now that you know how else you can use it, don’t hesitate to turn it into one of the multipurpose products in your home.

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