8 Things You Should Know Before Going On A Diet

There are a number of things you should know before going on a diet. In this way, we can avoid bad practices that are counterproductive and even harmful to health when starting an eating plan, to carry out only those guidelines that help us make the most of the dietary approach.

Remember that learning to eat healthy is essential to ensure good health. The earlier you make the decision to improve your diet, the lower your chances of developing diseases.

1. Eat yogurts and nuts

Yogurt and nuts are products with excellent nutritional properties. Some nuts, specifically those with a hard shell, such as almonds or walnuts, can be more useful for weight loss than fruits and vegetables. In addition, they are a magnificent source of energy to start the day and include them in a delicious breakfast.

Giving priority to this type of food over sweets such as cookies or cakes will be essential when taking care of the body. The belief that breakfast is the most important meal of the day is widespread, and we must try to include healthy products in it.

It should be noted that yogurts contain essential probiotics for the body. These bacteria have been shown to be capable of improving the functioning of the intestine, reducing the pathologies associated with this organ.

2. Sleep well

The second of the things you should know before going on a diet has to do with the hours of sleep. While following the guidelines of a diet to lose weight, it will be essential to sleep properly at night. Specifically, we must respect the 7 hours of sleep recommended for adults, since, if we reduce these hours to less than 6, the burning of fat drops by up to half.

In short, a good rest is essential for health, regardless of whether or not we want to follow a certain diet. Respecting the recommended hours of sleep will be, along with a balanced diet and physical exercise, one of the pillars of a healthy life.

3. Imagination to fight cravings

When you want to consume unhealthy products, such as chocolate or sweets, a good practice is to imagine yourself taking large amounts of these products. Although it may not seem true, this advice can help us to calm our appetite and momentary cravings.

On the other hand, the more we deprive the body of its little desires, the more we can increase stress and anxiety levels. In this sense, it should be noted that pampering yourself and eating a sweet does not have to be counterproductive for our diet. The only thing we must bear in mind is that we must not overdo it.

4. Drink water to lose weight

Another thing you should know before going on a diet is based on drinking water as a means of losing weight. This advice is one of the simplest, and it can allow us to increase the feeling of satiety by drinking a couple of cups of water before eating.

A study published in the journal Obesity , found that drinking half a liter of water before meals can help people eat less and therefore not overdo the calories.

In addition, it ultimately found that this habit helped individuals lose up to 44% more weight compared to those who did not consume fluids in this way.

Therefore, we can conclude that with water we will better control food intake and achieve long-term weight reduction. In addition, it will help us stay hydrated throughout the day, which will be especially important if we live in a hot area or play sports regularly.

5. Avoid browsing the internet while you are eating

Eating distracted is one of the most common ways of losing control while eating, and it causes us to consume greater amounts of foods that are also often unhealthy. This is another of the things you should know before going on a diet, and it is one of the least considered.

Therefore, we must avoid eating in front of the television or while playing a video game. This will allow us to be focused on our plate to be able to fill ourselves before.

6. The dangers of taking only protein

Vegan diet for athletes.

One of the most discouraged practices by nutritionists is to base the daily diet on protein consumption. Among these types of diets is the Dukan method. Neglecting the supply of other nutrients can be dangerous, according to a study published in the FMC journal . However, the latest scientific articles begin to contradict this statement.

This type of diet, like many other “miracle diets”, only allows us to lose a few kilos quickly. However, the effects will not last long, nor will the weight loss be progressive, so it will be easy to gain weight again.

7. Pay attention to product labels

Reading in detail and knowing the elements included in the food we buy will allow us to know if we buy products with added sugars. In this way, we can know how many calories there are in each product and if it is excessively high in sugar or fat.

In addition, it will be important to know the components of each since it is not the same to obtain calories from healthy fat sources, such as olive oil, than from vegetable oils or refined sugar. Being aware of these differences will help us to eat healthier.

8. Eat fast or eat slow?

Between these two options, the best thing would be to eat slowly, which will favor the secretion of the hormones responsible for the feeling of satiety. In this way we can also better control our food intake, in addition to enjoying the dish in front of us a little more.

Improve diet to increase quality of life

With the last of these things that you should know before going on a diet, you will have enough information to assess the type of diet that is best for you. Thus, you will avoid falling into bad habits or following routines that can harm the body.

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