7 Types Of Fish That Could Be Harmful To Health

Although it is considered a delicacy, in many cases caviar is not of quality and has been grown in polluted waters, so it can cause us poisonings.

Fish is one of the healthiest foods that can be incorporated into the diet. But, unfortunately, the industry is not 100% committed to the health of consumers and for some years some types of fish have been distributed that can be harmful to health.

Although it is proven that this food is a source of essential fatty acids, proteins and antioxidant compounds that help prevent cardiovascular disease, we must be careful.

In recent years, its consumption has increased significantly, especially since it represents one of the largest sources of omega 3. This nutrient is related to a reduction in systemic inflammation, according to an article published in the journal “Biochemical Society Transactions.” 

But, if they are contaminated with mercury or other harmful chemicals they can be really harmful to us. 

Regarding the subject, the question that many ask themselves is, what are those fish that it is better not to eat? Well, taking into account that what we least want is to put our health at risk with the consumption of this food, this time we are going to share those 7 types of fish that it is better not to choose.

7 types of fish that could be harmful to health

1. Bluefin tuna

types of fish that could be harmful to health: bluefin tuna

Bluefin tuna has a concentration of mercury that can be harmful when ingested. And this, how is it possible?

Bluefin tuna retain significant amounts of this toxin through the prey on which they feed. Other marine species have it too.

Then, as this species ingests mercury during its feeding, it can later reach the human body through its consumption. With this we do not want to advise against its consumption, but to ingest it wisely, no more than once a week.

2. Blanquillo or panga

types of fish that could be harmful to health: tilefish

This is one of the types of fish that should be completely avoided for safety reasons. In recent years it has gained popularity in many markets. However, behind the apparent freshness it hides secrets that the consumer cannot even imagine.

It is also known by the name of pangasius or panga. Its cultivation is carried out on the Mekong River, one of the most polluted on the planet.

On several occasions it has been shown that they are fed with dead fish, bone remains and a type of flour that is not exactly of the best quality.

3. Catfish

If the catfish is of Vietnamese origin, its consumption could be a great risk. Well, in Vietnam they use antibiotics that in many countries of the world are prohibited due to the risk they pose to human health. These types of substances are retained in fish and can cause side effects when ingested.

4. Shark

Shark is being served in many restaurants around the world as an expensive and exotic dish. However, not many are aware of the damage it entails. By consuming this fish you are supporting the illegal fishing of sharks. This fact has already generated significant environmental damage.

But in addition, it can also be harmful to health.  Sharks tend to feed on smaller fish that contain significant amounts of mercury.

5. Caviar

types of fish that could be harmful to health: caviar

It is one of the most expensive and sought after on the market. However, due to the fame it has gained, its quality has also decreased when grown in polluted waters. If the origin of the caviar is unknown, it is best to avoid it so as not to suffer poisoning or other subsequent consequences.

6. Puffer fish

It is known as “the most dangerous culinary delight in the world.” The puffer fish became an exotic dish in Japan and other countries of the world where they have been able to hunt the species.

What was known recently is that one of the most dangerous and lethal poisons hides inside this fish. This has the name of tetradotoxin.

This substance is present mostly in the liver, ovaries and skin. Therefore, the preparation of this fish is highly complex and dangerous. The risks do not outweigh the benefits and poisoning with this fish can be fatal, according to a study published in 2017.

The poison remains even after cooking and, even if the aforementioned organs are removed, it does not guarantee total safety for health.

Tetradotoxin has the ability to interrupt the automatic circuit of muscle reflexes. Among them are the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm, which can lead to the victim dying from suffocation.

7. Farmed salmon

These types of fish are raised on “salmon farms”;  small, tight ponds loaded with bacteria and parasites that can easily contaminate it. In addition, their diet is not usually the most hygienic and adequate, so when consumed it can have negative effects on the body.

However, it is a fish rich in essential fatty acids and vitamin D, for this reason the recommendation is to consume it responsibly and without abuse.

Control the consumption of potentially harmful fish

Well, knowledge is power, so informing you about the types of fish that can affect health is certainly a benefit that can help you or someone else at any time.

Do not forget that by this we do not mean that its consumption should be completely suppressed. In the case of bluefin tuna and salmon, they provide important nutrients for human health. The correct thing would be that its consumption should not be carried out more than once a week, so that the risk-benefit ratio would be favorable for this reason.

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