7 Toxic Ingredients That Could Be In Your Food

Food Safety experts can best inform us about food ingredients and how to correctly read the labeling of industrial products.

There is great concern around the food we consume on a daily basis and, specifically, the presence of toxic ingredients in them. Above all, in industrial foods and ultra-processed foods, since recently there has been an emphasis on the damages caused by their excessive consumption.

Next, we will tell you about some of the toxic ingredients that could be in some commonly consumed foods.

1. Olestra


Also known by the trade name “Olean”, olestra is a substitute for fats that does not add triglycerides, calories or cholesterol.

Once in the body, it is said to decrease fat-soluble vitamins and carotenes that play a vital role in health. In some countries they have already banned them, but in most they are still the main ingredient in delicious “fat free” potato chips.

2. Brominated vegetable oil

Brominated vegetable oil is a substance that acts as an emulsifier to prevent beverage flavorings from remaining on the surface. When ingested in large amounts (more than two liters a day), it  can cause problems for the body. Therefore, its use has been prohibited in countries such as Japan and the United States.

3. Azodicarbonamide


Azodicarbonamide is a synthetic chemical used primarily in the United States to bleach and refine flour. In addition, it is often used in industries as a blowing agent for the production of foamed plastics.

Their contact with humans is related to asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system. In several European countries it is already prohibited and, in fact, those who use it could go to prison. It could be present in:

  • Breads and cakes.
  • Frozen meals.
  • Packaged pasta mixes.

4. Synthetic hormones, the most popular toxic ingredients

For a time it was claimed that there were dairy products on the market that contained some trace of hormones such as rBGh and rBst, which are injected into cows to boost their milk production. However, experts in Health and Food Safety assure that this is nothing more than a hoax. 

5. Sodium chloride

Salt is the number one harmful ingredient in a wide variety of food products. It is not toxic in itself, but it can be harmful to health when consumed in excess and regularly.

The excessive consumption of salt is related to hypertension, fluid retention and various inflammatory pathologies.

6. Nitrites and sodium nitrates

Nitrites and sodium nitrates are substances that make processed meats look fresh and palatable even as days go by. Its excessive intake is associated with an increased risk of colon cancer and metabolic syndrome. It could be in foods like:

  • Bacon.
  • Ham.
  • Chorizos.
  • Sausage.
  • Sausages.
  • Mortadella.

7. BHA and BHT


BHA and BHT are antioxidant additives that, in laboratory animals, have been linked to an increased risk of cancer. And in what foods could these toxic ingredients be present?

  • Cereals.
  • Butter.
  • Chewing gum.
  • Walnuts packages.

Who can better inform us about toxic ingredients?

Those who can best inform us about any concerns around industrial foods, toxic ingredients and more are the experts in Food Safety. Similarly, we can always consult with the doctor.

It is not necessary to eliminate foods from the diet or take other drastic measures without first having discussed it with a professional or, at least, having consulted reliable sources of information. Scaremongering and drastic measures are of no benefit.

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