7 Misconceptions About Fibromyalgia

Misconceptions about fibromyalgia must be eradicated because they often lead patients to seek inappropriate solutions.

There are several misconceptions about fibromyalgia, most of which stem from a disease that science has yet to fully decipher.  

But, although there are details of this disease that are not yet known, it is also true that advances have been made that have allowed to rule out hypotheses. For this reason, it is important not to listen to misconceptions about fibromyalgia, such as the following.

7 misconceptions about fibromyalgia

Although it has been known since 1904, medicine still cannot explain why it is produced. It has no means to diagnose it and no tools to cure it.

Those gaps circulate some misconceptions about fibromyalgia. What causes  those affected to mismanage the disease, with the risks that this implies. What are these beliefs? Aim!

1. It is a psychological illness

This is one of the most widespread misconceptions about fibromyalgia. In general, each of the diseases has some psychological component and some also have psychological consequences. However, this does not mean that they exist only in the mind.

Woman with neck pain

Fibromyalgia causes physical symptoms, such as widespread pain or joint stiffness. Those who suffer from this disease perceive painful stimuli that, in reality, are not; and experience greater pain with those who are. However, this does not mean that the annoyances are on your mind.

2. It only affects women and the elderly

This is another one of those prejudices that is widespread. And it is that, as in a good number of diseases, it is true that there is a higher prevalence in certain types of patients.

In this case, an article published in 2009 by the Journal of the Spanish Pain Association explained that it is true that 80% of patients are women; but not only they can have it.

The same goes for age. There is evidence that fibromyalgia is more common in older people , but it is also capable of presenting at other times. That is, anyone can develop this disease.

3. Quality of life is completely lost

At present, regular exercise  is considered the best way to reduce the symptoms of the disease. In addition, there are several treatments available to prevent fibromyalgia from significantly altering quality of life.

It is no longer necessary to focus 100% on medicines, but the emphasis is also on certain habits. Thus, a person with fibromyalgia can regain their quality of life if they do aerobic exercise on a regular basis, practice relaxation techniques and follow medical instructions.

4. Exercise, one of the misconceptions about fibromyalgia

And speaking of exercise, one of the most widespread misconceptions about fibromyalgia is that people with fibromyalgia cannot exercise. Nothing could be further from reality since, as the following study published by the Journal of Clinical Rheumatology has shown , exercise is an important route for its treatment.

Woman doing swimming

What is certain is that you must have medical guidance; doing the activities progressively, gradually and constantly. Along these lines, several researchers (such as the following from the University of Göteborg, Sweden) have endorsed that, in a significant number of cases, swimming, athletics, cycling, walking and exercising in hot water improve symptoms.

5. A special diet must be followed

So far, there is no evidence that eating a certain food improves or worsens the disease. But a study published by the Journal of Gastroenterology shows that there is an open line of research; in which a possible relationship between gluten consumption and fibromyalgia has been found. However, more trials are needed in this regard.

What is certain is that those who have this disease are more likely to gain weight. In turn, being overweight increases symptoms. So it is advisable to maintain a healthy diet to avoid problems.

6. There is no treatment

Pharmacological treatment has been established to have significant efficacy in up to 40% of patients. This consists of the administration of analgesics, antidepressants or anticonvulsants with prior medical approval.

In addition, regular exercise together with the practice of relaxation techniques and cognitive behavioral therapies have proven to be effective methods for most of the patients. And while the effects are not seen immediately, they are noticeable over time.

7. Causes serious sequelae

Fibromyalgia does not produce sequelae, nor is it a degenerative disease; since it does not cause changes in the joints, bones or muscles.

It also does not lead to deformities or paralysis that limit movement. And even less causes neurological alterations, in addition to that it is not always the cause of each of the physical pain that the patient experiences.

Don’t be fooled by these misconceptions about fibromyalgia

As you have already seen, there are several errors that have been perpetuated over the years about fibromyalgia. For this reason, it is important to know how to identify them to avoid them with scientific rigor.

First of all, visit a specialist to inform yourself well about the disease. This is the only way that there is no confusion whatsoever.

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