7 Important Reasons To Always Wear Natural Makeup

Natural makeup is in fashion. More and more we are betting on a beauty that is the consequence of a healthy life and a balanced diet.

However, we still do not know the harmful effects of conventional makeup, which hides some health risks that could be preventable. Discover in this article 7 reasons to always use natural makeup and, if you wish, made at home.

Is a natural makeup possible?

In other times, women used natural products to enhance the blush of the cheeks or give color to the lips. However, the cosmetics that we know today were appearing. They were a great convenience for women, but also some health risks.

Makeup powder.

In recent decades, the natural has come back into fashion in all areas, also in cosmetics. It opts for products free of heavy metals, parabens, paraffins, sulfates and other substances. Ingredients that not only harm our skin, but our health in general.

The objective of natural makeup is to offer the comforts and variety of conventional cosmetics from ingredients such as:

  • The beeswax
  • Cocoa butter
  • Natural colorants
  • Vegetable oils

Why should we not use conventional makeup?

Next, we are going to explain some reasons to avoid conventional makeup and opt for natural products. Once you know them, you can decide.

1. Parabens

Makeups with parabens

Parabens are compounds with a preservative power that lengthens the life of cosmetics. However, they also exert a detrimental action on our health, since they alter estrogen levels.

This can cause us disorders over time. Keep in mind that parabens are present in most products, especially if they are liquid.

2. Lead lipstick

There are lipsticks that contain lead among their ingredients. This is shown by some studies, which warn of the risk of this heavy metal for health.

Keep in mind that lipstick is not just a cosmetic, since we can ingest part of it while wearing it. Among the complications that lead can cause are:

  • Neurological, digestive and kidney disorders
  • Fertility problems
  • Blood disorders

3. Sulfates

Woman removing makeup

Synthetic sulfates or surfactants are the cleansing or foaming components. They are common in make-up removers, scrubs, gels, etc. Thanks to them we can remove greasy dirt more easily.

However, they are also associated with irritation and sensitivity problems in the skin. The alternative is natural surfactants, such as those from coconut. The natural product should always specify if it is sulfate-free.

4. The paraffin that comes from oil

Cosmetic products that contain paraffin or silicone, which are derived from petroleum, immediately result in soft, smooth and smooth skin.

However, the paraffin creates a film that covers the skin and gives this sensation while clogging the pores. By covering them, you also prevent them from breathing, perspiring and other substances from penetrating the skin. The effect, in the end, is as if we put plastic on our skin.

5. Premature aging

Levels of aging

These synthetic products make us more vulnerable to free radicals. And these are the causes of aging.

Instead of taking care of our skin, as natural ingredients do, they dry out and deteriorate it. They lead to dull and dehydrated skin. This makes it easier for us to get wrinkles and blemishes.

Why wear natural makeup

You don’t really need to wear conventional makeup. In the market we can find a great variety of natural products. The price is usually higher, but the competition is favoring the emergence of more affordable brands.

Homemade cosmetics

Natural cosmetics always specify on the label the harmful ingredients that it does not contain.  It also indicates the presence of others that are beneficial for the skin. We must be vigilant to avoid deception, since they are also usually common.

And, if we want to take another step into the world of natural makeup, we can choose to prepare some cosmetics at home. This is the case of lipsticks or make-up remover. We can make them to our liking, adding essential oils to give them our favorite aroma.

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