7 Benefits Of Consuming Beets

Did you know that beets can be a great substitute for energy drinks when it comes to providing us with energy? Also, does exercise help us improve our lung function?

Beets or beets are often used in salads, soups, smoothies, and pickles. It is even used as a natural coloring. However, surely you do not introduce this food in your diet frequently. All in all, did you know the benefits of consuming beets?

Throughout this article you will discover how beets can bring great benefits to your health. It has many more than you can imagine. What are you waiting for to incorporate it into your diet much more and start feeling better? 

1. Helps constipation

Beets are a food rich in fiber and, as we well know, this is very good in the event that we suffer from constipation. This problem increases the risk of suffering from hemorrhoids, therefore, consuming foods that allow us to evacuate in a better way is essential.

We encourage you to make some of the recipes that exist with beets. You can start by including it in salads. However, you can make delicious creams and even hummus. Try all the possibilities and find out how it improves your constipation.

Beetroot cream

2. Improves blood pressure

Another benefit of consuming beets is that it allows us to improve blood pressure. Currently, many people suffer from hypertension, which causes them different health problems, in addition to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

This is due, as some studies point out, to increased levels of plasma nitrites and nitrates. This response to the consumption of beets causes an effect in the body that is related to a decrease in blood pressure. Therefore, if we suffer from hypertension, this can be an excellent remedy.

3. It can prevent certain types of cancer

In this statement we emphasize the importance of the word “can”, since studies are still being carried out that can confirm conclusively that this is so. At the moment, the vitamin A and lycopene present in beets make it a food that can promote better health and the prevention of some types of cancer.

The reason for this news is that lycopene has been found to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells. Therefore, if we suffer from prostate cancer, for example, or are at risk of suffering from it in the future, adding more beets to our diet can be very beneficial.

4. Strengthens the immune system

Beets are a very rich source of vitamins. For this reason, all the foods that can provide us with vitamins, minerals or antioxidants, it is important that we include them in our diet abundantly. The better we eat, the healthier we will be.

beet and blueberry smoothie

If we tend to get the flu relatively frequently or are frequently tired, we can begin not only to consume more beets, but to change certain elements that are present in our diet. For example, reduce the consumption of sugars and avoid industrial pastries.

5. Avoid vision problems

Another benefit of consuming beets is that it protects the health of our eyesight. Over the years, this can be significantly reduced with the consequent appearance of cataracts and even blindness. Therefore, we can delay this moment by introducing this food into our diet.


  • Juice of 1 large orange or 2 two small ones.
  • 1 small beet.
  • 2 carrots


  • Take everything to the blender and process until you get a homogeneous smoothie. 
  • Then consume immediately to avoid loss of properties.

6. Increase your energy levels

As we pointed out previously, one of the benefits of consuming beets was that it helped us strengthen our immune system. This results in increased energy. Therefore, if we usually do physical exercise frequently, we can use this food to feel full of energy.

The key is in the nitrate it contains, which allows it to perform better. For this reason, this food is present in the diets of all athletes or elite athletes. Without a doubt, if you want to obtain good results in competitions, beets seem to be a good option.

7. Prevents sudden attacks

The last of the benefits of consuming beets is that its potassium content makes it an essential food to avoid suffering strokes. This is because potassium has a vasodilator effect, thus preventing clots.

We hope you are encouraged to make new recipes with this ingredient that you may have never tried. Get all the benefits that we have discussed and enjoy a much healthier diet. Your body, your body and yourself will notice it.

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