6 Tips To Beat Sugar Addiction

Do you fancy something sweet? When you change your eating habits for healthier ones, the first thing you eliminate is sugar.

These are empty carbohydrates that contain too many calories. However, this also happens with other products. So why do we miss this substance so much?

Sometimes we even feel anxious thinking about it.

The reason is that it causes a reaction in the brain very similar to that generated by antidepressants. We secrete so much endorphins that the brain always wants more. The mind always wants more happiness.

On the other hand, this situation is aggravated with processed products. In general, refined white sugar is used, so it contains other substances that exacerbate its damage.

Therefore, the ideal is that we all stop consuming it, despite the difficulties we encounter. As we know that it is a decision that is difficult to comply with, we wanted to offer you some tips to achieve it.

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Tips to beat sugar addiction

Eat fruit


Fructose is a sweet substance that does provide the energy the body needs.

In fact, when we don’t have the strength and we crave sweets, our most primitive brain is asking us for fruit, not trinkets.

In this sense, we suggest that, whenever possible, you opt for organically grown ingredients. Being free of fertilizers or other chemicals, the product is one hundred percent healthy.

In addition, by making this decision, we will be encouraging this type of crop to reproduce. With this small action, we take care of our health, that of others and that of the planet.

Sometimes a small gesture does a good that we could not imagine. He thinks that consumption is one of the best ways to generate changes in a system that poses a threat to the planet.

Switch to whole food

The difference between whole foods and whole foods is in the carbohydrates.

  • In the case of the integral ones, they are slow absorption, so they give us the precise energy, but they also fill us up earlier.
  • In addition, they have a high fiber content, which favors the elimination of toxins and liquids.
  • In fact, to overcome the addiction to sugar, it is advisable to substitute white for brown.

Get similar flavors in another way

Bananas and cinnamon

Do you know the placebo effect? If we are sad, overwhelmed or anxious and we have the urge for that sweet taste, we can get it without having to resort to sugar.

Think of ingredients like honey or cinnamon … These can help you generate those endorphins that you need so much, but without the inconvenience of our enemy.

Likewise, it is also a good idea to use natural sweeteners, such as stevia.

Dark chocolate and carob

When we talk about eliminating this component, one of the first questions that comes to mind is “what about the chocolate?”

Thinking about it seems inconceivable to us, but in reality it is not. But don’t worry, there are alternatives.

  • First of all, you have the pure dark chocolate.
  • If you have a sweet tooth, we suggest you try the carob cream or powder. The taste is very similar to that of chocolate, but it is much healthier.

Coconut sugar

We have already talked many times about the benefits of coconut. Well, it’s time to talk about these little crystals made from the juice of the flowers.

Not only is it sweet, but it is also rich in vitamin C, zinc, and magnesium. These three nutrients are very important for our health, especially for circulation, bones and to maintain the line.

Juices to purify

In hot weather, the best way to have a good sugar-free soft drink is to opt for fruit juice.

In addition, you can make it based on fruits such as kiwi or orange, which are very cleansing and contain a lot of vitamin C.

Thus, you will have a double benefit: on the one hand, the sweetness and freshness you are looking for and, on the other, you will cleanse your body of harmful substances to stay healthy.

As you have seen, overcoming sugar addiction does not mean giving up your sweet tooth. The trick is to replace it with other healthier alternatives, but equally sweet.

It is a relief for all those who cannot go without their sweet moment of the day!

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