6 Things You Can Do In The Morning To Take Care Of Yourself

Do you want some tips to start with energy and vitality from the first hour of the day? We give you 6 so you can learn to take care of yourself.

It is convenient to start from the first hour of the day taking care of yourself. For this reason, today you will discover 6 things you can do in the morning to achieve it and that, in addition, will not take much time.

Once you discover how good you feel, you will begin to incorporate them into the routine naturally. You dare?

6 things you can do in the morning

Starting your day with some healthy guidelines is a great way to wake up in good spirits and be more positive. Also, once you learn how to do it, it will be easy for you to include these habits in your day-to-day life. Take aim!

1. Get some exercise

This is one of the first things you can do in the morning to take care of yourself. And it is that you freely choose the type of exercise you want to do: walking, running, going to the gym, doing yoga, etc.

Along these lines, we recommend that, to begin with, you take a few minutes (between 2 and 5) to meditate a little.

Girl going for a run to practice exercise

According to an article published by the Journal of General and Applied Psychology , doing sports first thing in the morning will allow you to wake up, activate and start the day with energy. In addition, this way you will not have excuses if, after work, you arrive more tired and do not feel like doing it.

2. Drink water when you get up

Another thing you can do in the morning to take care of yourself is to drink a glass of water as soon as you get up. Some of the reasons include the following:

  • Keep in mind that you have spent the night without drinking liquids; so the body needs to hydrate as soon as possible.
  • There are times when you can’t drink enough water. So doing it right when you wake up is a good way to remember this all-important habit.
  • Also, this way you allow the stomach to start working; favoring the sensation of hunger and avoiding feeling the “closed stomach”.

3. Have a quiet breakfast

Are you one of those who does not eat breakfast or does it quickly and running? Well, if so, you should know that researchers from the National University of San Agustín de Arequipa indicate that the ideal is to start enjoying this first meal of the day with peace of mind; including both fruits and cereals.

To do this, you can think about what you want to prepare the night before and leave it done. Perhaps a bowl of oatmeal with banana and an orange juice or, perhaps, a yogurt with nuts accompanied by assorted fruits. Also, try to  eat breakfast sitting down while you enjoy healthy food.

4. Read for a few minutes

Take advantage of breakfast to read a few pages of a book. It does not matter if they are one, two or ten; what matters is that you do it every day. After a week, you will have realized how much you have progressed and this will encourage you to continue reading more.

Woman reading a book sitting on a sofa.

Instead of watching TV or wasting time on your cell phone, better have a book handy. Reading is a good habit that, unfortunately, does not usually take much time. And it is not necessary to finish 50 pages in one day. In fact, it is better to do it little by little.

5. Organize the day, a fundamental task to do in the morning

Another useful thing you can do in the morning is to organize your schedule. This way you will avoid the stress so harmful to health of postponing obligations until the last minute.

Take the opportunity to do it after breakfast. And, as experts from the Psychological and Pedagogical Attention Service of the University of Cádiz indicate, a great way to plan the day is to use the bases of the Eisenhower scale. For it:

  • Check which tasks have an absolute priority.
  • Point out which ones you can plan and do next.
  • Manage those that you are going to delegate or discard.

Getting organized will give you security and peace of mind because you will feel that you are in control. In addition, it will help you achieve the goals you set for yourself.

6. Try not to look at your mobile

We advise you not to look at your mobile when you are practicing the above tasks. And it is that people usually, just wake up, look at social networks; which wastes valuable time.

You don’t need to check your email as soon as you get up. Take time to take care of yourself. In this way, once you have organized the day, you can start looking at the phone, answering the emails and working calmly.

Go ahead and do things in the morning to start the day right

And you? What things do you do in the morning to take care of yourself? The proposals that we have indicated will help you to improve both inside and out; feeling better starting the day.

Combine these tips with a balanced diet and a proper exercise routine. Also, if you need an individual plan, it is best to consult with a specialist in nutrition and sports. Cheer up!

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