6 Practical Green Cleaning Habits At Home

There are many ways to adopt environmentally friendly habits. Especially in what has to do with ecological cleaning tasks at home.  

Although it cannot be denied that commercial cleaning supplies are very effective, they do have concentrations of toxic substances. Therefore, they harm nature and health. Currently, it  is necessary to implement a series of ecological cleaning. Although the variety of natural hygiene items for the home is very wide, today we want to share the 6 most effective ecological cleaning habits for your home.

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1. Open the doors and windows

ecological cleaning

To purify the air in your home and get rid of closed odors, it is not necessary to use a chemical product. Open the doors and windows every day for 5 minutes and let the air circulate to renew itself naturally.

2. Clean the dust

The accumulation of dust in almost every area of ​​the home is inevitable. The big problem is that it often causes allergies and other respiratory problems that decrease the quality of life. In this sense, it is essential to do a daily general cleaning. Instead of using a chemical sanitizer, make a solution of equal parts water with apple cider vinegar. The reason why apple cider vinegar is effective for the ecological cleaning of your home is due to the antiseptic and antibacterial properties of the acid present in this substance.

3. Use cellulose sponges

Use cellulose sponges

Many commercially available home cleaning sponges are made from polyester, which is often treated with triclosan, a chemical that can be harmful when it interacts with the chlorine in tap water. An ecological and healthy way to replace them is by purchasing cellulose sponges, which are biodegradable and absorb very well.

For general house cleaning, opt for reusable and biodegradable cleaning cloths, rather than those paper towels that cause tons of pollution.

4. Ecological cleaning with vinegar and lemon

Most surfaces in the home are exposed to thousands of bacteria and allergens that can cause health problems. To eliminate them to the maximum, products with antiseptic and antibacterial properties are always used, such as bleaches and soaps. However, as the goal is to minimize the use of harmful substances, today we suggest replacing them with a mixture of vinegar with lemon.

Depending on the surface to be cleaned, you can make a solution of one part lemon to three part vinegar. This will help you remove grease stains, kill various types of bacteria, whiten and, incidentally, neutralize bad odors.

5. Put the clothes in the sun

ecological cleaning

Although some fabrics advise against drying them in the sun, a good trick to soften garments without using chemicals is to expose them to the sun’s rays for one or two hours. This habit is a good way to keep them smelling fresh and having a smooth texture. Of course, you should extend it on the wrong side so that its color is not affected.

6. Keep the rooms clean

Avoid entering dirty rooms. Similarly, prevent pets or other animals from entering. As mattresses are the ones that absorb dirt, mites and bad odors the most, try to disinfect them regularly with a mixture of baking soda and essential oils to taste. Remember to include an antibacterial oil, such as tea tree oil. Then vacuum to remove the dust and let it breathe for a couple of hours. Change sheets and covers regularly. Lastly, don’t forget to clean the pillows.

As you can see, all these tricks are very easy to apply. They are an incredible way to make a positive impact on the environment. Put them into practice!

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