6 Foods That Cause Cellulite

Cellulite is an aesthetic problem that can be alleviated by maintaining a healthy diet and other good lifestyle habits.

Did you know that there are several foods that cause cellulite? Do you think there may be some of them in your diet? In case you have doubts, you should review the list that we are going to present to you below.

Cellulite is an aesthetic problem that is caused by various factors, among them, poor diet has been recognized. According to an article published in 2008 “it affects approximately 85% of women to a greater or lesser extent and is characterized by a local disorder of the metabolism of the subcutaneous tissue.” For this reason, it is common to be called “orange peel”.

To this day, experts continue to search for ways to improve existing treatment methods, covering a variety of measures, from laser and radio frequency applications to self-care methods such as diet.

What are the main foods that cause cellulite?

There are many foods that do not benefit health, but rather harm it. They often seem attractive, delicious, and unhealthy, as well as “addictive,” so they sneak up on the menu again and again with ease.

Once you know them, it would be recommended that you reduce (or avoid completely) their consumption so that you can improve the appearance of your skin, reduce the appearance of cellulite and gain general health.

Bread and pastries.

1. White or refined flour

Foods made with white flour are very common at the table. Buns, breads, pancakes, croissants, muffins, cookies, pizzas and more are not only delicious but also irresistible. However, the truth is that they are not the best option because they only provide empty calories and pure carbohydrates. At least not when they are consumed continuously, in an excessive way, within an unbalanced diet.

The ideal is to consume this type of food occasionally and sporadically, and give priority to the consumption of whole wheat flours.

2. White sugar

White sugar does not provide nutrients of any kind, but empty calories. According to diet and nutrition experts, this is one of the great enemies of health. In addition to being one of the foods that produces cellulite, it can promote the development of multiple pathologies, such as overweight, obesity, type 2 diabetes, among many others.

It is convenient to minimize (or eliminate) the consumption of sugar in the diet and instead, prioritize the consumption of fruits. Honey could be another option, but since it is a high-calorie food, it should be taken in moderation.

3. Salt

Salt is a very popular seasoning that helps flavor foods and give them a unique twist. However, it produces fluid retention, which directly affects the appearance of cellulite. For this reason, experts recommend consuming it in moderation and alternating it with herbs and aromatic spices when cooking.

4. Fried foods

Keep in mind that when a food is fried, it loses a large part of its nutritional value. In addition, fried foods are high in poor quality fats that do not contribute anything to the body. Yes, they are delicious, but the ideal is to eat them occasionally and sporadically. Instead , it is advisable to give priority to foods cooked on the grill, steamed, baked, in stir-fries, etc.

5. Sausages

The regular consumption of sausages is not recommended because they are full of saturated fats, that is, the worst quality. In fact, Medline Plus experts indicate that “consuming too much saturated fat in your diet can lead to heart disease and other health conditions.”

6. Scrap

Junk food is bad for your health

All junk ─also called “junk food” ─ in general (pastries, hamburgers, sandwiches, sauces, etc.) is part of the foods that cause cellulite because it contains various ingredients harmful to health, refined flours and salt, sugars and fats trans.

In addition, you need large amounts to fill you up and, due to the amount of salt, sugar and artificial flavors they have, they cause fluid retention and therefore cellulite.

So what can you eat?

Medline Plus experts indicate that it is advisable to adopt and maintain a healthy diet, according to the needs of the body, but above all, rich in fruits, vegetables and foods rich in fiber, essential nutrients and fatty acids, both to prevent and to mitigate cellulite.

By avoiding the consumption of the foods mentioned above in the list, it is possible to improve the appearance of orange peel, but in order to appreciate good results, this measure must be combined with adequate hydration and regular exercise.

Along with all this, remember to also avoid the consumption of alcohol, caffeine and tobacco, which often contribute to the worsening of cellulite.

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