5 Techniques To Sleep Better

The techniques to sleep better help you take advantage of and better enjoy a restful sleep. Introducing them as part of your routine will make you wake up much more animated and rested.

If you feel that you are not getting enough sleep or that the quality of your sleep is not what it should be, this article is for you. We present you certain techniques to sleep better that will be of great help to you.

Certainly, we sometimes forget that proper sleep hygiene has a major impact on our daily lives.

Well, the moment we don’t sleep properly, our productivity drops, we find ourselves more irascible and we don’t concentrate as much as other days. In short, sleeping poorly makes us more dispersed and does not really enjoy the day.

In this sense, today we are not only going to discover some techniques to sleep better, but we are also going to realize that we can introduce them effortlessly as part of our routine.

Being tired or short on time will not be a problem to start putting them into practice. Let’s see what they are.

Techniques to sleep better without effort

1. Dinner at least 2 hours before going to sleep

Techniques to sleep better: have dinner at least 2 hours before going to sleep

It seems silly and, many times, we usually go to bed freshly eaten. However, this is not healthy for our sleep hygiene.

How many times have we gone to bed with a full stomach and been tossing and turning without being able to sleep? This situation makes us feel uncomfortable, increases our stress and anxiety (especially if we have to get up early) and prevents us from getting adequate rest.

The result is that we do not sleep well and wake up tired, in a very bad mood.

The key is to have dinner at least two hours before going to bed. If, in addition, we are people who tend to have heavy digestions, it is important that we do not eat copiously. A soup, a brisket with vegetables or a light cream will be enough.

2. Try to always sleep at the same time

Techniques to sleep better: always try to sleep at the same time

Another technique to sleep better is to always go to bed at the same time. We may one day be forced to go later. However, in general, we try to make it minutes that make the difference in our time to go to sleep and not hours.

The reason is that people are governed by habits. Thus, if we accustom the body to sleep at a specific time, it will be adequately prepared to rest as it needs.

In this way, we will make better use of the hours of sleep and we will have a very healthy routine to go to bed and get up.

3. Take care of what you do before sleeping

What do we usually do before going to sleep? Maybe watch TV or read a book. These activities, although sometimes they make us sleepy, make our body stay awake. Thus, it is not adequately prepared for sleep.

Before going to bed it would be important to spend time in silence, perhaps organizing clothes for tomorrow, lighting some candles, taking a relaxing bath or meditating. It is a moment that we should dedicate to our tranquility in order to make the body prepare to rest peacefully.

4. Exercise promotes better rest

Another technique to sleep better is to do some exercise before dinner or even after dinner.

Although many people exercise in the morning because it feels better, a walk before or after dinner will be very beneficial. Not only will it aid digestion, but it will also exhaust the body a bit so that it can later relax and rest better.

The fact of walking a little fast so that the body is activated, added to the tranquility of the night, the sound of the crickets if we live in the field and the silence and tranquility that are breathed during these hours, will be very pleasant. But above all, it will help the body prepare for sleep.

5. Pay attention to your sleep cycles

Techniques for better sleep: pay attention to your sleep cycles

Why sometimes sleeping the same you wake up more tired? Perhaps, you are not attending to your sleep cycles. There are various mobile applications that you can use by searching for “sleep cycles”. These will calculate the time when you go to bed and when you can get up.

The ideal is to sleep up to 5 full cycles, however, you may find it better to sleep four. The important thing is not to wake up in the middle of a cycle because, if not, the feelings of tiredness when waking up and that you have not had enough sleep will manifest without being able to avoid it.

Each sleep cycle lasts at least 90 minutes. If we complete a cycle and wake up just when it ends, we will even notice that we do not have great difficulty getting up.

This will be of great help to us if we are one of those who “stick our sheets”.

Which of these techniques for better sleep have you already put into practice? Is there one that has served you better than another? We encourage you that if you do not sleep the way you want, start today to apply these techniques to sleep better.

Surely your rest will appreciate it.

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