5 Rules You Should Follow In Your First Yoga Class

Yoga also has its rules. Be sure to follow them so that you have a good performance in each practice and do not endanger your physical integrity.

If you decide to start the practice of yoga, you must take into consideration certain aspects that will help you advance in each practice. The first yoga class is something completely new, because you do not know the postures and techniques of the discipline. Lose your fear and enter the fascinating world of yoga!

Yoga as a discipline has an instructor who will guide you in each class. The most important thing is to be willing to learn and improve every day. Like any activity, there are positions with a certain level of complexity and physical demand: you must be careful not to push yourself further to avoid injuries.

When putting together the yoga class, the instructor takes into account the different levels of mastery of technique that his students have. Pay close attention as a beginner and do not perform postures that are not within your physical reach. The instructor will support you on this path and will give you the guidelines for each practice, be attentive to their instructions and suggestions.

When starting a yoga class the teacher will welcome and give guidelines to seek the essence of the yogi. Then he will insist on how to bring attention to the breath and the physical body. Yoga practice is the search for balance between body and soul, enjoy every moment and live in the present.

If you are a beginner and decide to start yoga, you should bear in mind that the first class can be overwhelming but fascinating. Here we will leave you 5 rules that you must follow in your first yoga class

1. Avoid eating before your first yoga class

You really should avoid it in every class. Since yoga is a physical activity, you should avoid eating a lot before class because you can feel heavy and have an upset stomach. During class you will be able to perform inverted postures or twists that need to apply force to the abdomen. So overeating could be a problem.

Before class you can drink water and an hour before practice eat a snack, but do not eat complete or difficult to digest meals. It is common for beginners to eat before going to the first yoga class, but avoid doing so to fully enjoy the practice.

Avoid eating a lot before your first yoga class

2. Listen to the teacher’s instructions

The yoga instructor will be your guide and main ally in the practice. Listen to the instructions he gives you and do not go beyond what is required. Yoga is a discipline of perseverance that you must develop little by little, and the teacher knows the correct movements for each position.

The main function of having a guide in the class is to respect the body and avoid injuries. If you perform a movement without observation or put more force than required, you will not enjoy the class.

3. Wear comfortable clothes

In the first yoga class everyone wonders what kind of clothes should I wear? The answer is simple:  wear comfortable clothing, such as overalls, sweatpants, or shorts . The clothes should allow you movement and provide you with comfort, because it will help you when performing the postures.

In yoga class you can be barefoot. Wearing socks can be a bit uncomfortable, because you can slip on the mat. By being without stockings you will feel free and at ease, do not feel sorry or rush, because the practice of yoga is your time to disconnect from problems.

4. Respect your body, don’t demand more than you can give

When you start practicing yoga, the excitement of doing all the poses can lead you to demand more of the body than it is ready to give. Listen to your body and don’t try too hard because you may injure yourself or not finish the day’s practice.

With experience, your body will speak on its own and tell you how far you can go. There are days when the body is energetic and you apply that energy in each position. Also, there are days when you are not connected with the practice, and the body will not respond the same, because each yoga class is different.

Listening to your body is necessary to correctly perform yoga.

5. Connect with the present

In the first yoga class it is difficult to understand the reason and meaning of practicing the discipline. It is thought about the postures and the advance that you will be able to obtain during the classes. However, the main precept of yoga is left aside: live in the present.

Enjoy the practice and forget about the worries. Leave behind the thoughts that cause you stress and anxiety so that you can do well in class. Yoga will be your space to find the vitality and peace that you want so much.

If you decide to start yoga practices, these 5 rules will help you to be prepared in the first class. Enjoy yoga and you will notice the changes in your life.

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