5 Remedies With Aloe Vera To Soothe Sunburn

Sunburns are skin lesions that, in addition to causing us pain, can leave us scars, spots and other alterations that are difficult to erase. They are produced by the negative impact of ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun and their characteristics are similar to those caused by other heat sources.

Depending on the degree of severity with which they occur, they can cause redness, blisters and even death of the underlying skin tissues. In addition, they increase the risk of infections and other serious complications such as skin cancer.

Fortunately, these days they can be prevented with continued use of sunscreen and other UV measures. In addition to this there are a wide variety of natural remedies that stimulate cellular activity to repair affected skin.

Among these we find the prodigious aloe vera gel, an organic ingredient that we can combine with other ingredients to get more effective products.

Do you dare to try it?

1. Natural aloe vera gel

Aloe vera plants and gel

The crystal that contains the aloe vera plant is filled with water and essential nutrients that stimulate cell repair to restore sun-affected skin.

Its properties fight dryness and soothe irritation that occurs from first and second degree burns.

What should you do?

  • Cut an aloe vera leaf and extract the gel that it contains inside.
  • Clean the affected area and apply a generous amount of the product.
  • Wait until it dries and remove any excess with a damp cloth.
  • If the burn is recent, apply it two or three times a day.

2. Aloe vera with coconut oil

The moisturizing and antimicrobial action of coconut oil complements this natural treatment that seeks to refresh and revitalize skin damaged by sunburn.

Its combination with aloe vera crystals allows us to obtain a natural cream to soothe irritations and prevent infections.


  • ¼ cup of aloe vera (50 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (30 g)

What should you do?

  • Add the aloe vera gel to the blender and combine it with the coconut oil.
  • After obtaining a homogeneous paste, apply it on the burns and make gentle circular movements until it absorbs.
  • Use it every day, twice a day.

3. Aloe vera cubes

aloe vera

Aloe vera gel cubes are a very interesting solution against superficial burns that are produced by overexposure to the sun.

They serve to remove dead cells and nourish areas that lost natural moisture due to injury. They also help prevent blemishes and scars, restoring a healthy appearance to the skin.

Best of all, they represent a good option to preserve the plant for up to six months.


  • 2 aloe vera leaves
  • 1 ice bucket

What should you do?

  • Cut the two aloe vera leaves and extract the transparent gel they contain inside.
  • Beat it in the blender and use the juice obtained to cover the entire ice cube tray.
  • Take it to the freezer of your fridge and wait until they solidify.
  • When they’re done, scoop out an ice cube and gently rub it over the burn.
  • Repeat its use every day.

4. Aloe vera and yogurt mask

This remedy against burns combines the qualities of aloe vera with the lactic acid of yogurt and the high water content of cucumber. The resulting mask serves to regulate the natural pH of the skin and promote its natural repair.

Thanks to its properties, it removes impurities and calms the sensitivity that remains due to the harmful effect of the sun’s UV rays.


  • 4 tablespoons of pure aloe vera gel (60 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt (40 g)
  • 6 tablespoons of fresh cucumber juice (60 ml)

What should you do?

  • Add all the ingredients in a bowl and mix them until you get a thick paste.
  • Rub it on the burns and leave it on for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse with cold water and pat dry with a soft cloth.
  • Use it until the skin is completely healed.

5. Aloe vera and turmeric cream

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power of turmeric combines with the cooling action of aloe vera to accelerate recovery from sunburn.


  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric (5 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of milk (10 ml)
  • ¼ cup of aloe vera (50 g)
  • 10 drops of rose water

What should you do?

  • Make a paste with all the ingredients mentioned and rub it carefully on the burned parts of the body.
  • Wait for its active ingredients to take effect in 20 minutes and rinse.
  • Use it every day.

Remember that you should only choose one of the remedies mentioned so as not to overload the skin that is trying to recover. Be patient with its application and discover in a short time all the benefits it has to treat these types of conditions.

The most important thing is that you protect your skin from ultraviolet rays that can be harmful to our health. In that case, you should consult a dermatologist to help you take care of your skin.

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