5 Healthy Benefits That You Did Not Know Of Honey

Thanks to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties, honey can be a very suitable ingredient to treat different infections, both internally and externally

Honey is considered a very nutritious and healthy food.

Globally it is consumed in large quantities. Not only for its medicinal contribution, but also for its flavor, which makes it a unique and special ingredient.

Before consuming honey you have to make sure about the type of origin. In normal terms there are two origins. The first of them is considered natural and the second is industrial. Although these are quite similar, they can be differentiated, even more so regarding their properties.

  • Honey of natural origin is manufactured by bees.  This type is the healthiest that exists and, therefore, it is the most recommended both for consumption and for other purposes.
  •  On the other hand, honey of industrialized origin is made by man. This type arose from the need to supply that manufactured by bees, making it easier to obtain, but less healthy.

In comparison, both categories are distinguished by their texture, the natural one being much thicker and more viscous. Besides it contains a greater number of antioxidants and vitamins.

Based on the above, it seeks to clarify the differences between both types of honey. In addition, the consumption of the natural one is strictly recommended, since it is possible to develop different medical problems when ingesting the industrialized one.

Here are some uses that you probably did not know about real honey.

1. Fight acne


Although honey in its primary role is a food ingredient, it can also be used for other purposes. The ideal is to obtain the benefits it offers in the most feasible way possible.

Therefore, the possibility of applying it topically should be affirmed . In the case of suffering from a skin disease such as acne, honey becomes a great alternative.

To take advantage of the positive effects of this, it is recommended to apply a fair bit on the affected area.

Although there are more alternatives to combat acne, both natural and industrial, honey is one of the simplest, cheapest and most useful available, in addition to being completely healthy.

2. Improve brain function


As we have mentioned before, this delicious food has antiseptic and antibiotic properties. However, it also has phytonutrients and is antibacterial.

These components make honey a great alternative to strengthen the immune system.

And it is not only responsible for eliminating microorganisms from various areas, it also prevents their agglomeration in nostrils and pores, which are the main entry points for bacteria.

5. Relieve wounds with honey?


Again, it is worth mentioning the antibacterial property, since it is one of the most beneficial for the body in general.

In this case, it should not be consumed but applied topically, as we indicated at the beginning of the article in the treatment of acne.

In general terms, honey is appropriate for any type of skin condition, including wounds. You must follow the following steps to use it in this way:

  • To apply honey it is recommended, first of all, to wash your hands very well.
  • If possible, we will use gloves and sterilize the device with which the ingredient will be placed on the wound.
  • We will try to fully cover the affected area.
  • Once covered, we will place a sterile bandage on top.

Now you can take advantage of the multiple benefits of this super food!

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