4 Reasons Why You Can Get Food Poisoning

They say full belly, happy heart. We like to eat and most of us love to experience new flavors. That makes us very happy! However, s If you don’t want to be a victim of food poisoning, you should take several precautions.  For that reason, we propose 4 situations in which you can get sick due to poor food handling.

You ate in a place of suspicious quality

menu hamburgs potatoes

If you like to eat a lot, then you need to be careful about your cravings. Relate the place with the type of food you want.   The hygiene with which food is handled is basic. For that reason, avoid places where food is not properly preserved, note that the staff does not follow adequate handling rules (smoking, not washing hands frequently, etc …)

See also: 5 reasons to avoid the raw food diet

Be very careful with the water

drink purified water

In Europe, tap water is perfectly safe, it follows high standards of chlorination and treatment so that it does not pose any problem. For the same reason, if we are in a country where we have doubts about the quality of the water, we must always consume it bottled, and never allow an already unsealed bottle to be served.

Salads, be careful with cleanliness

The same measure that we use for water must be followed for the consumption of vegetables and salads. If we are in places where the quality of the water is poor, we will avoid the consumption of raw products. The reason is simple, washing them can provide a contaminant that can make us sick.

The solution for this type of case can have two aspects: either avoid its consumption during the time we are away from home or always consume it peeled, discarding the skins that may have contaminated remains, either bacteria or pesticides that can cause us to have problems futures.

Use the microwave oven well


The microwave oven is a utensil that seems like a basic in any kitchen, it allows you to heat food in a very short time, with the consequent saving of it. However, we must follow some basic rules when using them.

  • Always heat with a lid: Food, when heated, usually causes splashes and dirties the inside of it. With the lid we get a more uniform cooking and avoid staining the oven more than it should. It is not just about aesthetics, they are remains that remain on the walls of the microwave that can contaminate food in the future. Learn a simple trick to clean your microwave here.
  • Do not leave cold food:  It is always best to make sure that you have not left any cold food art. We know that color can kill resistant bacteria, so if you notice that there is a portion that has not reached the temperature, it is better to reheat it.

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