3 Mistakes That Lead You To Eat Worse

On many occasions we make certain mistakes in our diet that lead us to eat worse. Most of the time, this happens due to ignorance or due to the influence of marketing, which promises to sell us a product that is not so healthy as healthy.

Considering the above, it is necessary to be very attentive to labeling to avoid buying products of lower quality than expected. Next, we will show you the most typical mistakes when choosing food. If you pay attention and put the following tips into practice, you will generate added value in your diet.

Errors that lead you to eat worse

Food choices are decisive for our health and body weight. However, with so many misconceptions that have spread among the population, it is common for us to make mistakes that make us eat worse. Which are the most frequent?

1. Vegetable drinks instead of milk

Vegetable drinks are proposed as a healthy alternative to replace cow’s milk, especially in people with intolerances. However, it is not gold everything that shines. Most of these drinks usually contain a high amount of sugar and very little of the ingredient that should be almost the main ingredient in its composition.

This sugar intake, much higher than that corresponding to the same amount of cow’s milk, is too aggressive for pancreatic health. It will produce a peak in blood glucose with subsequent insulin over-demand, which encourages the emergence of resistance and the development of type 2 diabetes at an early age.

Therefore, as long as there are no allergies, milk should be a food of preferential consumption to vegetable drinks. There are enriched or lactose-free varieties of milk for the intolerant.

In the case of opting for a vegetable drink, it is necessary to look at the labeling and choose the one that does not contain added sugars in its composition. However, these types of drinks lose a lot of organoleptic quality in their version without sugar.

Vegetable milk recipes.

2. Consumption of sugar under another name

Sugar has become the number one enemy of health in today’s society. In the market we can find substances that have the same sweetening capacity, but with a different name. This situation leads to the thought that we are acquiring a substance other than sugar and, therefore, healthier, when this is not the case.

Both honey, maple syrup, panela, etc., are substances whose composition is mostly sugar, as stated in an article published in Clinical Nutrition ESPEN . Their impact on the glucose curve is very similar and, therefore, their intake represents a significant stress at the pancreatic level.

The only sweetener solution that is currently known, and that does not have an a priori influence on the glucose curve, are artificial sweeteners. However, its effects on kidney and liver health in the medium and long term are not known for sure, so its consumption in moderation is recommended.

3. Pastries or pastry products without added sugar

This type of food has the advantage of having the organoleptic characteristics of its sugary counterparts, but with a less negative impact on the body.

The reality is that sugar is not the only enemy of these types of products. Normally, these are foods subjected to high temperatures and with a large amount of trans fats .

The presence of the latter, together with the formation of acrylamide during their cooking process, makes them potentially dangerous for health. The latest research confirms the harmful effects of acrylamide in the body, so it is necessary to restrict its consumption.

In addition, it is not strange that they contain colorants and preservatives, sometimes. they can be unsafe or harmful in the long term.

For these reasons, it is always more interesting to consume fresh or homemade food than this type of industrial product.

Bread and pastries.

In short, what makes us eat worse?

The biggest mistakes at the food level are usually the belief that certain processed products are less harmful to health because they promise certain advantages on their labeling.

To maintain good health, it is necessary to prioritize the consumption of fresh foods over processed foods. It is interesting to reduce the intake of sugars or their derivatives. 

On the other hand, it is necessary to avoid frying in vegetable oils at high temperatures in order to limit the intake of acrylamide. This substance is characterized by its toxicity and its long-term carcinogenic potential.

Finally, it is necessary to emphasize caution when consuming artificial sweeteners. The long-term side effects of these substances on liver and kidney health are unknown. Therefore, they should be taken in moderation.

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