3 Medicinal Infusions To Combat Cellulite

We all know that there are no miracles when it comes to fighting cellulite. The unsightly orange peel is that little sentence with which to learn to live and to hide.

Now, being aware that eliminating it completely is an impossible task, unless we go through an operating room, it is worth taking into account certain tips that can help us reduce cellulite and make its presence less conspicuous.

A good diet and a type of exercise that allows us to strengthen the thighs will undoubtedly be of great help. Every effort is a small step to fight cellulite.

For this reason, we want to present these infusions to you today, which will also be your indispensable allies to achieve this. Would you like to know them?

1. Infusion of lemon peel and strawberries to fight cellulite



  • The rind of a lemon.
  • 10 clean strawberries.
  • A liter of water.

How do we prepare it?

  • This infusion is a sensational remedy to cleanse the body, combat fluid retention and promote blood circulation. In addition, its high antioxidant content will help us to renew all those inflamed cells that are concentrated in the thighs and that cause orange skin.
  • To benefit from this natural treatment, we will start by heating that liter of water. Once it is boiling, add the clean peel of a lemon, and then include those ten strawberries. The cooking of these ingredients will last at least 20 minutes. We want, above all, that its properties remain in the water and that the strawberries are also very soft.
  • After that time, lower the heat and carefully remove the lemon peels. Now, we are going to pass this mixture through the blender, so that the strawberries mix well and we get a well homogeneous smoothie. The flavor is great, and you can take it warm or accompanied by some ice cubes.
  • The ideal is to drink a cup after each meal, throughout ten days. It is very effective and feels really good.

2. Infusion of grapefruit (grapefruit) and green tea


  • A grapefruit (grapefruit).
  • 20 grams of green tea.
  • A glass of water (200 ml).

How do we prepare it?

  • As you already know, grapefruit (grapefruit) is a perfect ally when it comes to losing weight. Now, you should know that, combining it with green tea, we will get an infusion to accelerate metabolism, combat fluid retention and combat cellulite.
  • The secret is to be consistent and drink this infusion every day, following a proper diet with exercise. Now, how do we prepare this remedy where green tea is combined with grapefruit or grapefruit? Very easy. We will start by obtaining the juice of a grapefruit. Once ready, reserve.
  • Next, make the green tea infusion.  You only have to add the 20 grams in the kettle where you will have boiled that glass of water. Do you already have it ready? Excellent. The next step is simple: all you have to do is mix the green tea with the lemon juice. The infusion will be warm and, if you also add a little honey, it will be delicious.

You can take it every day after your lunch. You will see how well it works for you!

3. Infusion of pineapple and dandelion



  • 2 slices of pineapple.
  • 20 grams of dandelion.
  • A glass of water (200 ml).

Perhaps, you have been surprised that in this infusion we combine pineapple with dandelion. The fact of mixing fruits with medicinal plants not only enhances their properties, but also increases the level of vitamins and minerals. Not to mention that, in this way, these remedies are even more delicious.

Pineapple, as you already know, is an ideal fruit to fight cellulite. Thanks to bromelain, we not only manage to purify the body and avoid fluid retention, but it also treats the inflammation of those cells that cause orange peel very well.

It absorbs the toxins concentrated there and helps us eliminate them. Is amazing! And if we add it to the dandelion, we promote blood circulation more and our liver purifies toxins much better. Do not hesitate, this infusion will be your best ally to fight cellulite.

How do we prepare it?

  • To prepare it, the first thing we will do is heat that glass of water. Once it is boiling, add the two pineapple slices and the 20 grams of dandelion, and let it cook properly for 20 minutes. Very easy. After that time, we will filter the infusion through a strainer to remove the pineapple slices and the dandelion remains.
  • It is ideal if you drink it hot after your dinner and, accompanied with a little honey, it is delicious. If you take it every day, improve your lifestyle with more exercise in the legs and leave aside fats, sweets and sugar, your body will notice.

    Softening the presence of cellulite is possible. Get started today!

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