3 Harmful Diets For Your Body

We must be clear that when it comes to losing weight there are no miracle formulas, and that some diets that promise to lose a lot in a short time can be harmful to our health

There is no doubt about the great obsession that many people can present when it comes to losing weight. To achieve their goal, they resort to miracle diets that promise to burn off the kilos in no time. However, these diets can be harmful to our body and lead to a loss of nutrients.

In addition to affecting your mood, they can cause the famous “rebound effect. Since when we put the body on a very low-calorie diet, the body reacts by expending less energy and can cause a drastic weight gain when we return to consuming normal amounts.

Diets and weight loss

Diets to lose weight.

Taking into account the effects of food within the body, it should be noted that not everything ingested provides nutrients and energy. The ideal is to choose a healthy, balanced diet without excesses. Without a doubt, it is not about eating for the sake of eating or simply stopping.

If we want to reduce the excess of the body, the process is much more complex and, although diet plays a fundamental role, it must always be accompanied by physical activity and other types of positive factors for the body.

When this is not carried out in a consistent and sustained way, it is most likely that it will return to the unwanted measure, so that all the effort will have been in vain. However, the main problem when it comes to losing weight based on diet is poor choices.

How to differentiate unhealthy from healthy diets?

How to differentiate a suitable diet from an inadequate one?

The variety of alternatives when choosing a diet to lose weight is enormous; however, these may not be entirely adequate, at least not all.

From the outset, we are not suggesting avoiding diets, but yes, learning to differentiate which ones really benefit the main objective mentioned in the article and which ones are definitely useless.

Here are the significant differences between unhealthy and balanced diets:

Healthy diets

  • They help satiate the body.
  • They contain a variety of foods.
  • They are based on the tastes of each person.
  • They contribute to weight loss gradually.

Harmful diets

  • They do not satiate the body.
  • They focus on only one food (lack of balance).
  • They are considered ‘miraculous’ or ‘successful’.
  • They claim that they help you lose weight quickly.
  • Caloric intake is insufficient.

Harmful diets for the body

Globally, both the medical and nutritional communities have evaluated various diets aimed at losing weight. Based on the results obtained, they have determined the most dangerous for the body.

These are some of them.

1. The detox or cleansing diet

This is part of the so-called ‘fasting diets’. The objective of this type of diet is weight loss, energy supply and a feeling of well-being. So far, so good.

However, the problem lies in food abstention, its main reason for being, and that can cause nutritional deficiencies if it is maintained for more than a week. In addition, it should always be guided by a specialist.

  • In order to detoxify the body, the detox diet suggests eating water, juices or vegetable soups for a few days.

2. The Dukan diet

The dukan diet.

On the other hand, this type of diet consists of four phases, which depend on the weight you want to lose. Its main characteristic is the high protein content.

  • First phase: foods rich in protein for 10 days.
  • Second phase: foods rich in protein and vegetables alternately.
  • Third phase: weight stabilizes and foods rich in carbohydrates are allowed.
  • Fourth phase: balanced meals (eat normally).

Such excess represents a huge risk to the kidneys and liver, so it is not recommended in any way.

3. The Atkins diet

With regard to this type of diet, things are a bit similar to the one mentioned before. In this sense, the intake of low-carbohydrate foods is allowed and lipids and proteins are recommended.

Many point out this diet as the most balanced of all,  since it consists, among other foods, of:

  • Eggs
  • Red meat
  • Fish
  • Butter
  • Oil
  • Cheeses

However, the medical community warns that excess proteins and lipids cause severe damage to the body. These not only influence cholesterol levels, but the kidneys and liver also tend to suffer the consequences.

A diet can only be effective if we can easily incorporate it into our routine. In addition, it is recommended to go to a nutritionist to suggest the most appropriate diet for our needs and to monitor our progress.

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