14 Anti-aging Foods

Some foods, such as fruits and vegetables, are not only rich in vitamins and minerals, but also in antioxidants. Therefore, they are considered to be anti-aging.

It is impossible to avoid the passing of the years. However, good lifestyle habits can help you age well, both inside and out. In this sense, eating healthy is essential. Now, what if anti-aging foods are included in the diet?

There are many foods that, due to their nutritional value, can help the body to stay healthy and, in a way, slow down the aging process, thus also helping the skin to maintain a good appearance.

The great advantage is that many of these foods can be consumed regularly as part of a balanced diet, in various ways. Next we will comment on some of the most useful ones.

Anti-aging foods that you can integrate into your diet

In addition to slowing down aging, regular consumption of anti-aging foods helps to have smooth, beautiful and healthy skin. Of course, always within the framework of a healthy lifestyle.

Remember that just as it is important that you always eat healthy, to maintain beautiful skin even over the years, it is essential that you maintain other good lifestyle habits, such as adequate hydration, for example.

Olive oil, one of the best anti-aging foods

What are the best vegetable fats?

The use of olive oil is very common in cooking. It has an exquisite taste and allows to obtain all kinds of delicious foods. In addition, it is considered to be one of the best sources of healthy fat for the body.

It has been shown to have a number of benefits, especially for the cardiovascular system (and especially the heart), as noted in this study published in the Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology.

It also helps to keep the skin hydrated and healthy, as indicated in this article published in Medical Seminar. Therefore, it is considered one of the best anti-aging foods.


The cherry contains phytochemicals that give it antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it one of the anti-aging foods, as it helps prevent arthritis and osteoarthritis.

The results of this study published in the journal Nutrients  suggest that the consumption of cherries can promote health, by preventing or reducing oxidative stress and inflammation.

Green leafy vegetables

Celery, cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, parsley, are some of the vegetables with the highest amount of antioxidants. These are responsible for combating free radicals, the main causes of cellular aging, as shown by this research published in Food Chemistry in 2009.

Avocado, one of the best anti-aging foods

Avocado is one of the anti-aging foods because it is rich in monounsaturated fats, excellent for fighting bad cholesterol, as evidenced in this study published in the Archives of medical research. 

Now, as far as the skin is concerned, thanks to the fact that it is a source of vitamin E, it helps to keep it soft. It is very commonly used in hair and face masks, as shown in this Connective tissue research publication .


Within a balanced diet, the consumption of garlic is recommended. According to various investigations, this food is not only capable of contributing to the nutrition of the body, but it can also help regulate cholesterol levels and other issues, according to this research carried out by experts from the China Medical University and the National Taiwan University.


From a nutritional point of view, oatmeal is a very complete food that helps to lose weight and fat thanks to its contribution in soluble fiber that reduces appetite, as shown in this article published in  Hospital Nutrition .

Strawberries, another of the best anti-aging foods

Fruits like strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries are high in antioxidants, helping to maintain the health of the skin and other organs of the body.

More anti-aging foods


These grains help keep bones strong. Lentils are a great source of iron that keeps muscles in shape, helps with intestinal transit.

Likewise, its consumption in diets is usually recommended, since it produces satiety. And so this study published in the Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism points out.


This root is perfect for controlling digestion and maintaining good circulation. It helps prevent diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, and flu, and is beneficial for rheumatic diseases, as evidenced by this research published in Medical hypotheses.


Salmon is rich in omega 3, which provides valuable nutrients to the body. It also has antioxidants that are responsible for regenerating and hydrating the skin.

Green tea, another of the best anti-aging foods

Green tea, as noted in this Journal of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine, has multiple health benefits . Like most of the previous products, this drink contains antioxidants, so it  is good for preventing aging and protecting the skin, as well as for the heart.

In the same way, it is used to lose weight, increases the basal metabolism and favors the nervous system. This helps prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s, as shown by some scientific evidence.


Tomato consumption is important for skin care because it contains lycopene, which affects the prevention of wrinkles.


linseed water

Flaxseed is rich in fiber and antioxidants. In addition, it is a source of omega 3, which helps lower cholesterol and increases energy. In turn, flaxseed is recommended to fight constipation and obesity.


Honey, in addition to having antioxidant properties, hydrates and softens the skin. It is ideal for healing burns. Helps heal and prevent skin wound infections, as this study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology shows.

Anti-aging foods are supplements

It is important that you include these anti-aging foods in moderation in your meals and that you reinforce their action by sleeping the necessary hours and giving your skin the hydration and photoprotection it needs every day.

Along with all this, it is recommended that you avoid the consumption of tobacco and alcoholic beverages so as not to accelerate the aging process and damage the appearance of your skin.

Likewise, it is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to resolve any doubts that may arise and provide the necessary guidelines in each case.

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