10 Reasons Why A Hot Bath Is Healthy

One of the best consequences of taking a hot bath is the feeling of peace and tranquility that invades us. As if that were not enough, it also takes care of our skin.

A shower or bath can do a lot for us on a day-to-day basis. In the morning, taking a quick shower with fresh water can wake us up and prepare for the day. In the evening, taking a slightly longer shower, but with somewhat warmer water (or a hot bath at a bearable temperature), can help us relax and prepare ourselves for a peaceful sleep.

Beyond these benefits, there are those who believe that a hot bath can increase their well-being. Do you know how? Here are the 10 reasons why a hot bath can be healthy.

1. A hot bath can improve your cardiovascular health

Woman with heart shaped glasses

The main approach to hydrotherapy is that the use of water in different ways and at different temperatures can have different effects on different body systems. For this reason, there are those who consider that hot water can be beneficial for some systems of the body, in this case, we will talk about the cardiovascular system.

A soaking bath in hot water (at a bearable temperature) can help:

  • Improve blood flow in patients suffering from heart failure problems.
  • Prevent hardening of the arteries and increased blood pressure in patients with atherosclerosis, according to a 2012 study.
  • According to some hypotheses, a hot water bath – based on the conclusions of a study carried out in Japan recently – suggest that it could not only promote the general well-being of middle-aged patients with heart problems, but also reduce the risk of have a stroke.

Although many researchers consider that it is too early to draw conclusions, it seems that taking a bath is good for maintaining the good health of your heart and the rest of the cardiovascular system.

3. It is capable of reducing blood sugar level

Taking a hot bath may help burn some calories and lower blood sugar in some people, a recent study shows. However, this has its nuances, according to the researchers themselves.

The study sample consisted of 14 men who could choose between cycling for an hour or being immersed in a tub with hot water (40 ºC).

Although riding a bicycle did burn more calories and lower glucose levels more dramatically, the bath burned as many calories as a half-hour walk (about 140 calories).

4. Helps you eliminate muscle pain

The tension generated after exercising after 50 can be lessened with a good bath.

Although muscle pain can be relieved with massages and pain relievers, it is sometimes wise to combine these options with a good hot bath.

If you want the relaxing effect to be even greater, you can add a pinch of magnesium, or if not salt, to the bath water. But yes, try to enjoy the moment. Disconnect from technology for a while, put on a playlist with relaxing music, take the opportunity to gently exfoliate with the sponge, enjoy the aroma of the products you use (soaps, scrub, candles, etc.) and make that moment a ritual full of self-care and self-love.

5. It will help you look rested and more attractive

Although many people say that cold water is the key to keeping skin young and beautiful, there are those who consider the opposite. This is because they consider that warm or hot water, by helping to relax and experience well-being in general, makes the person appear less tired and more attractive in general. However, there is no scientific evidence to confirm this.

For now, what the skincare experts are saying is that all extremes are harmful: both very cold and very hot water affect the health of the skin. And in the case of hot water, the effect is as follows:

  • Greater dryness and tightness.
  • Greater tendency to suffer redness and irritation
  • More blemish problems (on the face and body) because the pores are enlarged and are more exposed to dirt.

6. Improves brain health

Although the brain is one of the most difficult organs to “please”, given its complexity, it seems that a hot bath helps it perform its functions correctly.

According to a 2018 study, it helps promote the survival of nerve cells as well as promote the growth, maturation and maintenance of nerve cells, which in turn benefits the learning and memory processes.

What if in addition to eating foods rich in B vitamins, maintaining good hydration and exercising regularly, you take a hot bath to make your brain purr ?

7. It will help you fall asleep

Everyone, at some point in our lives, has heard about how beneficial it is to take a hot bath to fall asleep at night. This is because the temperature helps to relax and soothe both the body and the mind, which is very convenient to prepare to sleep more quickly and peacefully.

Several investigations showed that the effect is noticeable both in healthy people who do not have difficulty sleeping and in people with some pathology or sleep disorder.

8. Relieves joint discomfort

Although on many occasions (and the day to day) hot water has proven to be beneficial in relieving muscle aches and pains in general, as evidenced in various studies, it is also beneficial in case of experiencing discomfort in the joints, mild to moderate intensity.

9. It comforts you in moments of loneliness

It is very interesting to know that, according to recent studies, people who tend to be colder on a social level are the ones who use hot water the most in general. However, they are not aware of it. The experts point out that “together, these results suggest that physical and social heat are to some extent substitutable in everyday life and that this substitution reflects an unconscious self-regulation mechanism.”

Although it is early to draw conclusions, it could be said that, when you are more lonely -for whatever reasons- taking a hot bath, you can comfort yourself in a similar way to when you drink a hot drink of your liking, such as a delicious cup chocolate or any infusion of your choice.

10. A hot bath also contributes to mental health

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A pampering session not only helps us to recover and lift our spirits, but it also helps to improve our well-being in a comprehensive way, which in turn has a positive effect on mental health.

How long have you not been relaxing, at home or in a spa, in a tub of warm water, with salts and scented soaps and candles? How long have you not signed up for a massage session? If it’s been a long time, consider remedying it soon. Even if you don’t have a vacation or long weekend, it’s worth allowing yourself a 30-minute massage session. It will help you to relieve physical and emotional tension, and to perform better in your routine.

Can a hot bath help you burn calories?

Although it was rumored that taking a hot bath could help burn calories, this has its trick. Peter Dockrill, a member of the Science Alert editorial team, explains that, although a study was conducted to determine if it could really provide such a benefit, there are several issues to consider:

  • The bath time was one hour. Without interruptions.
  • The water temperature was kept at 40 ° C.
  • The study sample consisted of 14 men wearing a glucose monitor.
  • The author of the study also comments that “Faulkner states that the results suggest that passive warming could be a useful technique to help people with type 2 diabetes control their glucose levels, in addition to helping control weight in general” .

It must be taken into account that, in any study, there are a series of specific conditions that do not allow generalizations to be established. For this reason, it is not possible to say that taking a hot bath is beneficial in helping anyone lose weight.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that a hot bath can never replace an adequate strategy to lose weight (especially in regards to maintaining a balanced diet and complying with a good exercise routine).

Taking into account that it is not a magic solution to lose weight, a bath or a hot shower can always come in handy when we want to relax, relieve muscle discomfort or simply give ourselves a pampering session, in the purest spa style .

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